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Cumulative article index 1986 to 2023: Conophytum

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A Cono for All Seasons...... Conophytum Flowers Throughout the Year by Chris Rodgerson, 38, 34 (2023)
A Conophytum is Named by Terry Smale, 4, 39 (1989)
A ‘Conothon’: Conophytum Hunting in the Western and Northern Capes - Part 1 by Andy Young, 22, 78 (2007)
A ‘Conothon’: Conophytum Hunting in the Western and Northern Capes - Part 2 by Andy Young, 23, 2 (2008)
A First Phylogenetic Hypothesis for Conophytum by Andrew J. Young, 37, 35 (2022)
A Hybrid Conophytum by Terry Smale, 3, 25 (1988)
A New Conophytum by Steve Hammer, 11, 31 (1996)
A New Conophytum! by Steve Hammer, 11, 31 (1996)
A New Population of Conophytum reconditum A.R.Mitchell by Gerhard F. Wagner, 17, 16 (2002)
A Note on Conophytum frutescens Schwantes by Steve Hammer, 12, 37 (1997)
A Note on Conophytum obscurum and Conophytum bachelorum ssp. sponsaliorum by Steve Hammer, 13, 13 (1998)
A Note on Conophytum pellucidum Schwantes and C.terricolor Tischer by Steven Hammer, 13, 74 (1998)
A Visit to Liebendal Farm to See Conophytum minutum var. lisabeliae by Chris Rodgerson, 33, 68 (2018)
A Yellow Flowered Population of Conophytum ectypum ‘limbatum’ aff. from the area of the Rietkloof se berg, Northern Cape, RSA by Gerhard F. Wagner, 28, 36 (2013)
An Updated Molecular Phylogeny for Conophytum by Andrew J. Young, 38, 61 (2023)
Are Conophytums Rock-Busters? by Gordon D Rowley, 24, 80 (2009)
Book Review The Genus Conophytum: A Conograph, 8, 83 (1993)
Chromosome Counts and Conophytum Concatenations by Steve Hammer, 3, 68 (1988)
Climate Change and Dwarf Succulents: Possible Impacts on Conophytum by Andrew J Young, 33, 13 (2018)
Comments on the Germination of Conophytums by F.V. DiStefano by Hans Hassberg, 4, 62 (1989)
Comments from Chris Rodgerson & Steve Hammer on Brian McDonough's Conophytum pellucidum Parade, 25, 44 (2010)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 6, 50 (1991)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 6, 72 (1991)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 3, 64 (1988)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 4, 2 (1989)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 3, 2 (1988)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 4, 72 (1989)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 5, 25 (1990)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 3, 43 (1988)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 7, 2 (1992)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 6, 2 (1991)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 7, 27 (1992)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 1, 1 (1986)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 7, 50 (1992)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 3, 23 (1988)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 5, 47 (1990)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 4, 28 (1989)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 6, 25 (1991)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 5, 69 (1990)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 5, 2 (1990)
Cono Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 4, 51 (1989)
Cono Corner by Suzanne Mace, 7, 74 (1992)
Cono Corner C.reconditum by Chris Rodgerson, 2, 61 (1987)
Cono Corner Cono Chat by Chris Rodgerson, 2, 42 (1987)
Cono Corner Conophytum ectypum complex by Chris Rodgerson, 1, 19 (1986)
Cono Corner The Hairy ones by Chris Rodgerson, 2, 22 (1987)
Cono Corner The Minuta subsection of the Wettsteiniana section by Chris Rodgerson, 1, 42 (1986)
Cono Corner The Tiny ones by Chris Rodgerson, 2, 2 (1987)
Cono Corner Two choice members of the Minuscula section by Chris Rodgerson, 1, 29 (1986)

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Cono Parade by Chris Rodgerson, 20, 58 (2005)
Cono's in the Wild (part four) by Chris Rodgerson, 8, 64 (1993)
Cono's in the Wild (part one) by Chris Rodgerson, 8, 2 (1993)
Cono's in the Wild (part three) by Chris Rodgerson, 8, 43 (1993)
Cono's in the Wild (part two) by Chris Rodgerson, 8, 26 (1993)
Cono's in the Wild part eight by Chris Rodgerson, 10, 12 (1995)
Cono's in the Wild part five by Chris Rodgerson , 9, 12 (1994)
Cono's in the Wild Part Seven by Chris Rogerson, 9, 58 (1994)
Cono's in the Wild Part Six by Chris Rodgerson, 9, 37 (1994)
Conophytum: An enthusiast's 25 year historical overview by Chris Rodgerson, 16, 34 (2001)
Conophytum angelicae by Steve Hammer, 28, 18 (2013)
Conophytum bilobum - A Bi-partisan View by Chris Rodgerson & Steve Hammer, 14, 42 (1999)
Conophytum brunneum S.A.Hammer spec nov. by Gerhard F. Wagner, 17, 26 (2002)
Conophytum Central’? by Andrw Young, 27, 96 (2012)
Conophytum chauviniae (Schwantes) S.A.Hammer - Rediscovery of the Type Locality? by Gerhard F. Wagner, 17, 26 (2002)
Conophytum Corner by Chris Rodgerson, 38, 67 (2023)
Conophytum Corner (2) by Chris Rodgerson, 38, 69 (2023)
(The) Conophytum Flora of the Harrasberge Revisited by Matthew Opel, 19, 63 (2004)
Conophytum Herrei, Schwantes by Dr. N.E. Brown, 22, 86, (2007)
Conophytum Hunting in South Africa 2013 (‘Conothon’ 8) by Prof. Andy Young, UK, 34, 28, 51 & 71 (2019)
Conophytum indutum Rediscovered? by Chris Rodgerson, 31, 18 (2016)
(A) Conophytum is named by Terry Smale, 4, 39 (1989)
Conophytum is Now a CITES-Lised Genus - What it Means for The Grower by Andy Young, 38, 15 (2023)
Conophytum, Lithops and Me by Peter Roat, 37, 64 (2022)
Conophytum, Lithops and Me - Part 2: The Conophytum House by Peter Roat, 38, 16 (2023)
Conophytum mimimum ‘wittebergense’ by Chris Rodgerson, 25, 35, (2010)
Conophytum mirabile by Andrew Young, Parkgate, Cheshire, UK, 22, 61, (2007)
Conophytum Numbers in Circulation from Peter Bent's Records, 1, 35,50 (1986)
Conophytum Numbers in Circulation from Peter Bent's Records, 2, 9 (1987)
Conophytum obcordellum by Terry Smale, 2, 53 (1987)
Conophytum pellucidum by Jim Porter, 12, 4 (1997)
Conophytum pellucidum SH1252 Seedlings by Brian McDonough, 24, 72 (2009)
Conophytum Pollination by Dr Nunzio R. Di Nunno, 10, 16 (1995)
Conophytum ratum by Steve Hammer, 28, 18 (2013)
Conophytum taylorianum Revisted by Steve Hammer, 10, 52 (1995)
Conophytums and the Poaching Epidemic by Chris Rodgerson, 37, 2 (2022)
Conophytums From Seed byTerry Smale, 1, 6 (1986)
Conophytums since the Conograph by Terry Smale, 12, 68 (1997)
Conophytums since the Conograph - An Addendum by Terry Smale, 15, 54 (2000)
Conophytum(s) in Mid-Flight by Steve Hammer, 31, 6 (2016)

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Conothon 3 - Cono Hunting in the Western and Northern Capes, May 2009 by Andy Young, 26, 86 (2011)
Conothon 3 - Cono Hunting in the Western and Northern Capes, May 2009 by Andy Young, 27, 2, 34 & 57 (2012)
Conothon 4: South Africa 2010 - Part 1: From Cape Town into Bushmanland by Andrew Young, 29, 19 (2014)
Conothon 4: South Africa 2010 - Part 2: Into the Richtersveld by Andrew Young, 29, 26 (2014)
Conothon 4: South Africa 2010 - Parts 3 & 4: The Richtersveld and South to Cape Town by Andrew Young, 29, 47 & 71 (2014)
Conothon 5: Tracking Down Conophytum in South Africa, May 2011 - Parts 1 & 2 by Andrew Young, 31, 52 & 79 (2016)
Conothon 6: A Field Visit to South Africa in the Austral Spring (September 2011) - Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 by Andrew Young, 32, 2, 27, 50 & 74 (2017)
Conothon 8: Conophytum Hunting in South Africa 2013 by Prof. Andy Young, 34, 28, 51 & 71 (2019)
Conothon 9: Searching for Conophytum in South Africa 2014 - Parts 1 & 2 by Andrew Young, 35, 49 & 73 (2020)
Conothon 9: Searching for Conophytum in South Africa 2014 - Part 3 by Andrew Young, 36, 2 (2021)
Contrarious Conos by Terry Smale, 20, 49 (2005)
Daniel Saved from the Lions' Den - the Curious Case of Conophytum danielii and jarmilae by Terry Smale, 22, 21 (2007)
"Dumpling and His Wife - New Views of the Genus Conophytum" by Steven Hammer - Book Review by Suzanne Mace, 17, 37 (2002)
Everyone Said to Me "You Never Visit South Africa Just Once..." (Recollections of a second ‘Conothon’, April 2008) Part 1. Cape Town to Kamieskroon by Andrew Young, 24, 43 (2009)
Everyone Said to Me "You Never Visit South Africa Just Once..." (Recollections of a second ‘Conothon’, April 2008) Part 2. Cape Town to Kamieskroon by Andrew Young, 24, 67 (2009)
Everyone Said to Me "You Never Visit South Africa Just Once..." (Recollections of a second ‘Conothon’, April 2008) Part 3. Port Nolloth to Cape Town by Andrew Young, 25, 2 (2010)
Four Aberrant Conophytums by Terry Smale, 28, 63 (2013)
Fruiting and frying behaviour of Conophytum hammeri by Steve Hammer, 13, 75 (1998)
Growing Conophytums by Terry Smale, 15, 79 (2000)
Growing Conophytums, a beginner's guide from, 37, 22 (2022)
Growing Japanese Conophytum Cultivars by Andrew J. Young, 36, 38 (2021)
Little Plump Blob: Conophytum burgeri by Aiko Talens, 30, 71 (2015)
Lost Conophytums by Steve Hammer, 2, 32 (1987)
More Orange Conophytums by Andrew Young, 21, 40 (2006)
My Favourite Conophytum - No. 1 by Andrew J. Young, 36, 66 (2021)
My Favourite Conophytum - No. 2 by Andrew J. Young, 37, 39 (2022)
New Southern Conophytum Pellucidum Populations by Terry Smale & Gerhard Wagner, 14, 45 (1999)
Notes on Conophytum ratum and its Friends by Steven Hammer, 14, 85 (1999)
Notes on Conophytum Ursprungianum Tischer by Steve Hammer, 11, 4 (1996)
Notes on Members of the Tuberculata Section of Conophytum in Habitat by Dr Terry Smale, 1, 12 (1986)
Notes on MRO 45 & Conophytum rubristylosum Tischer by Steve Hammer, 16, 19 (2001)
Notes on the UC Berkeley Conophytum Collection by Rebecca Hauser, 2, 50 (1987)

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Observations on some Richtersveld Conophytums by Matthew Opel, 15, 74 (2000)
Orange Conophytums by Chris Rodgerson, 18, 76 (2003)
Out-of-Season Conophytums by Lindsey Deaves, 19, 24 (2004)
Pollen Structures in Conophytum by Andrew J. Young, 38, 56 (2023)
Pollination of Conophytums of Section Pellucida by Terry Smale, 14, 50 (1999)
Producing Seed from Lithops & Conophytums by Terry Smale, 16, 13 (2001)
Raising Conos from Seed by Uwe Beyer, 11, 2 (1996)
Report on the MSG Study Group Meeting on the Pellucida Section of Conophytum, 4, 86 (1989)
Return to South Africa - Part 1 Conophytum Depressum by Terry Smale, 3, 44 (1988)
Return to South Africa - Part 6 In search of Conophytum semivestitum - again! by Terry Smale, 4, 79 (1989)
Some Interesting Conophytum Populations by Terry Smale, 14, 15 (1999)
Some Notes on Conophytum ratum (F.O.112) by Kazuhiko Kawai, 8, 59 (1993)
Some Notes on the Flowering Times of Conophytums by John Ede, 19, 2 (2004)
Some Recent Conophytum Cultivars by Terry Smale, 27, 20 (2012)
Some Thoughts on Conophytum Seed Raising by Andrew J. Young, 37, 18 (2022)
That Orange-Flowered Conophytum tantillum by Terry Smale, 21, 80 (2006)
The Correct Publication Date and Place for Four Conophytum Species (Aizoaceae) Published by Arthur Tischer by Joachim Thiede, 25, 83 (2010)
The Difficult Conophytums by Terry Smale, 30, 62 (2015)
The Fate of the Gamsberg-endemic Stoneplant Conophytum ratum by Robyn F. Powell, Anthony R. Magee, J. Stephen Boatwright, 34, 22 (2019)
The Genus Conophytum: A Conograph Book Launch by Ralph Hewitt, 9, 19 (1994)
The Hunt for Conophytum boreale by Chris Rodgerson, 21, 2 (2006)
The Japanese Conophytum Society by Yumiko Nishikawa and Terry Smale, 22, 22 (2007)
The Oldest Conophytums in Captivity by Steven Hammer, 38, 74 (2023)
Three Lobes Are Better Than Two and a Hairy C.turrigerum ! by Andrew Young, 21, 40 (2006)
Trials and Tributlations for an honorary Conophytum Relative, Ruschianus falcatus by Florent Grenier, France, 34, 36 (2019)
Two New Pellucid Conophytum Cultivars by Terry Smale, 31, 45 (2016)
Variation of Conophytum Roodiae by Terry Smale, 17, 61 (2002)
White-Flowered Conophytums (Part 2) by Chris Rodgerson, 19, 52 (2004)
White-Flowered Conos (Normal and Not So) by Chris Rodgerson, 18, 74 (2003)
Why Does Conophytum burgeri Not Like to be Moved? by Gary Stoten, 31, 100 (2016)
Wild Guesses About New Conophytum Species by Tom Jacobs, 16, 15 (2001)
Zone 6 Mini Convention - A Cono Paradise by Gary Stoten, 26, 43 (2011)

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Conophytum uveaforme. 15kb.

Conophytum uveaforme

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