Index - A to C Index - D to L Index - M to R Index - S to Z Index - Conophytum Index - Lithops

Cumulative article index 1986 to 2023: M - R

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Mabel's Bouquet Garni by Steve Hammer, 18, 2 (2003)
Machairophyllum Musings by W R Ogdon-Leroy, 22, 61 (2007)
Many are Cold, but Few are Frozen by Steve Hammer, 22, 20 (2007)
March 2007 - The Southampton Meeting: A Personal View by Lindsey Deaves, 22, 40 (2007)
Masson the Modernist by Steve Hammer, 31, 96 (2016)
‘Matchless Green’ - A New Lithops Cultivar by Hilde Mouton & Frikkie Mouton, 37, 11 (2022)
Maughaniella luckhoffii by Sonia Barker-Fricker, 2, 24 (1987)
Maxognomic Digest by Steve Hammer, 15, 56 (2000)
Meaty Plant Requirements by Steve Hammer, 30, 38 (2015)
Medicinal Plants used by the People of the So. Scebeli Region by S Hirwac, National University of Somalia, translation by Carlo Morici, 10, 55 (1995)
Memories of Bryan Makin by Steve Hammer, 13, 47 (1998)
Memories of Pauline by Steve Hammer, 31, 32 (2016)
Mergers, Acquisitions, and the Tough of Excess by Steve Hammer, 21, 81 (2006)
Mesemb Event 2002 in Reading by Suzanne Mace, 17, 84 (2002)
Mesemb Growing in the US by Norm Dennis, 2, 6 (1987)
Mesemb Hardiness in Albuquerque, New Mexico by Dave J Ferguson, 14, 40 (1999)
Mesemb Hybrids by Hans Hassberg, 3, 56 (1988)
Mesemb Mapping Project: An Overview of Achievements to Date by P.M. Burgoyne, 22, 42 (2007)
(A) Mesemb Miscellany by Rogan Roth, 30, 39 (2015)
Mesemb Notes 2 by Bob Chinnock, 17, 49 (2002)
Mesemb Study Group 2023 Seed List produced by Colin McKellar, 38, 23 (2023)
Mesemb Show Groups by Derek Tribble, 4, 12 (1989)
Mesemb Show Groups - What do you think? - Response by Suzanne Mace, 4, 44 (1989)
Mesemb Show Groups - What do you think? - Response by Terry Smale, 4, 43 (1989)
Mesemb Study Group 2022 Seed List published in Vol. 36/4 2021 produced by Colin McKellar, 36, 96 (2021)
Mesemb Study Group 2023 Seed List published in Vol. 38/1 2023 produced by Colin McKellar, 38, 23 (2023)
Mesemb Study Group Event - 28th September 1996 - Banstead by Suzanne Mace, 11, 85 (1996)
Mesemb Virtual Zoom Meeting 2nd January 2021, 35, 92 (2020)
Mesemb Virtual Zoom Meeting 10th April 2021, 36, 24 (2021)
Mesemb Virtual Zoom Meeting 10th October 2021, 36, 51 (2021)
Mesembryanthema: A Brief Synopsis of their Systematics (The) by Cornelia Klak, 12, 46 (1997)
Mesembryanthemaceae of Gwynedd (The) by K G Davies, 6, 51 (1991)
Mesembryanthemum by T.M. Endean (Resumé of a talk given on April 24th, 1935), 22, 88 (2007)
Mesembs and Other Weeds by Jim Porter, 14, 26, (1999)
Mesembs From Seed by John Betteley, 20, 69 (2005)
Mesembs in "Nature" by Terry Smale, 19, 40 (2004)
Mesembs in Retirement by Robin Fuller, Nr Cartagena, Spain, 21, 23 (2006)
Mesembs Listed on CITES III List by Derek Tribble, 38, 1 (2023)
(A) Message from Heidi Hartmann, 24, 4 (2009)
Mias Kennedy, Plant Lover, 16th December 1922 - 7th February 2013 by Steve Hammer, 28, 33 (2013)
Mid-Cheshire Mesemb Show 4th October 1986 Report by Alan Hart, 1, 49 (1986)
Mid-Cheshire Mesemb Show Goes from Strength to Strength by Peter Cupial-Jones, 14, 25 (1999)
Midsummer Brightness by Steve Hammer, 19, 56 (2004)
Milky and Murky Metaphors by Steve Hammer, 16, 7 (2001)
Miller Wrote the Text - Ehret Painted the Pictures by Gordon Rowley, 25, 89 (2010)
Minimum Input by Steve Hammer, 18, 52 (2003)
Minor in Fractions? by Steve Hammer, 8, 49 (1993)
Miraculous Flowers by Steve Hammer, 21, 83 (2006)
Misting Lithops and Other Thoughts by Didge Rowe, 19, 89 (2004)
Mitrophyllum roseum by Hagen Dreher, Germany, 23, 38 (2008)
Mixed Drinks, Anyone? by Steve Hammer, 32, 87 (2017)
Molecular News from Drosanthemum by Heidi Hartmann & Sigrid Leide-Schumann, 28, 26 (2013)
Money Can, and Cannot, Buy Me Love by Steve Hammer, 30, 57 (2015)
Monilaria moniliformis - A Rare Cristate Plant by Gordon Rowley, 15, 13 (2000)
Monilaria "Zombiei" by Aiko Talens, 30, 70 (2015)
Monilaria "Zombiei" Resurrected by Aiko Talens, 31, 47 (2016)
More In-Habitat Lithops werneri by Roy Earlé, Hilde Mouton, Frikkie Mouton & Janice Round, 29, 62 (2014)
More on Lithops optica a.c.f. ‘Rubra’ in Habitat by Roy Earlé, 30, 44 (2015)
More Literature Reviews by Suzanne Mace, 32, 84 (2017)
More Mesembs from Seed by Andrew Young, 21, 17 (2006)
More Notes on Mitrophyllinae by Steve Hammer, 18, 34 (2003)
More on the Three M's by Hans Hassberg, 2, 26 (1987)
More or Less by Steve Hammer, 4, 42 (1989)
More Orange Conophytums by Andrew Young, 21, 40 (2006)

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‘Moss Agate’ - A New Lithops Hybrid Cultivar by Jonathan Y. Clark, 23, 31 (2008)
Movement of the Spheres from Steve Hammer, 15, 18 (2000)
Moving Lithops by Gene Joseph, 13, 30 (1998)
Mr Kennedy's Collections by Steve Hammer, 28, 34 (2013)
Mrs Jutta Dinter's plants by David Jacobs, 1, 39 (1986)
Mrs. Seeley's Lithops by Suzanne Mace, 32, 97 (2017)
Mrs. Van der Bijl Reports by Steven Hammer, 14, 93 (1999)
MSG European Seed Distribution Report from Alain Sutton with addition by Peter Roat, 35, 92 (2020)
MSG Event at Banstead - Reflections on my first visit by John Betteley, 23, 94 (2008)
MSG Event, Saturday 27 September 2014 at Banstead Community Centre, Banstead, Surrey by Jennifer Smale, 29, 40 & 67 (2014)
(The) MSG Exchange Scheme 2014 - a Debrief, or Washing Up Afterwards by John Watmough, 29, 89 (2014)
MSG Meeting on Monilarias, Mitrophyllums etc by Suzanne Mace, 6, 63 (1991)
MSG Plant Exchange Scheme by Graham Wright, 18, 83 (2003)
MSG Plant Exchange Scheme by John Watmough, 27, 6 & 92 (2012)
MSG Plant Exchange Scheme by John Watmough, 28, 10 & 83 (2013)
MSG Plant Exchange Scheme by Mark Border, 21, 18 (2006)
MSG Plant Exchange Scheme by Mark Border, 22, 6 (2007)
MSG Plant Exchange Scheme by Mark Border, 23, 18 (2008)
MSG Plant Exchange Scheme by Mark Border, 24, 15 (2009)
MSG Plant Exchange Scheme by Mark Border, 25, 10 (2010)
MSG Plant Exchange Scheme by Mark Border, 26, 24 & 42 (2011)
MSG Plant Exchange Scheme 2014 by John Watmough, 29, 11 & 58 (2014)
MSG Plant Exchange Scheme 2015 by John Watmough, 30, 38 & 66 (2015)
MSG Rehome a Mesemb Scheme by Mark Border, 20, 8 (2005)
MSG Research Fund, 3, 55 (1988)
MSG Research Fund, 5, 1 (1990)
MSG Research Fund, 6, 15 (1991)
MSG Research Fund, 8, 4 (1993)
MSG Research Fund, 12, 4 (1997)
MSG Research Fund, 13, 4 (1998)
MSG Research Fund, 15, 49 (2000)
MSG Research Fund by Terry Smale, 4, 55 (1989)
MSG Research Fund Grant Award for 1998 by Terry Smale, 13, 55 (1998)
MSG Research Fund Grants, 15, 19 (2000)
MSG Research Fund Report (The) from Terry Smale, 10, 39 (1995)
MSG Research Grant, 18, 35 (2003)
MSG Research Grant by Terry Smale, 19, 18 (2004)
MSG Research Grant by Terry Smale, 19, 41 (2004)
MSG Research Grant to Cornelia Klak by Terry Smale, 21, 48 (2006)
MSG Research Grant to Desmond T. Cole by Terry Smale, 21, 48 (2006)
MSG Research Grants 1997, 12, 58 (1997)
MSG Seed Distribution 199 by Terry Smale, 5, 6 (1990)
MSG Seed Distribution 1991 by Terry Smale, 6, 7 (1991)
MSG Seed Distribution Notes by Peter Roat, 36, 10 (2021)
MSG Seed List 2021, 36, 11 (2021)
MSG Seedlist 1989, 4, 9 (1989)
MSG Seedlist 1990, 5, 6 (1990)
MSG Study Group Meeting, 21st October 1995 by Suzanne Mace 10, 84 (1995)
Muiria hortenseae by Priscilla Burgoyne, 22, 50 (2007)
Muiria hortenseae on farm Springfontein by François Hoes, 15, 77 (2000)
Multiple Experiments by Steve Hammer, 14, 38 (1999)
My Favourite Conophytum - No. 1 by Andrew J. Young, 36, 66 (2021)
My Favourite Conophytum - No. 2 by Andrew J. Young, 37, 39 (2022)
My First Banstead Mesemb Study Group Event by Greg Daniels, Brisbane, Australia, 28, 84 (2013)
My Friend Tok Schoeman by Ronnie Uijs, 32, 60 (2017)
My Half-and-Half Lithops fulviceps plant by Roy Earlé, 32, 41 (2017)
My Introduction to Mesembryanthemums by Mark Border, 12, 24 (1997)
My Journey Into Mesembs by Nick Pengelley, 37, 44 (2022)
My Lithops get the treatment they have been yearning by Peter Bint, 23, 95 (2008)
My Most Painful Mesemb by Bryan Makin, 6, 5 (1991)
My Way (Seed Raising) by Frank Trigg, 11, 5 (1996)
Myron the Transformer from Steve Hammer, 33, 77 (2018)
(The) Mystery of Surgeon's Beach by Steve Hammer, 16, 4 (2001)

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Namaqualand, a Succulent Desert, Richard Cowling & Shirley Pierce - A Book Review by Lucio Russo, 15, 10 (2000)
(A) Namaqualand Granite Dome by Chris Rodgerson, 32, 55 (2017)
Namibia - April 2022: Lithops dinteri subsp. multipunctata by Marc Mougin, 38, 30 (2023)
Nananthus margaritiferus L.Bolus and other Namibians by Steve Hammer, 17, 7 (2002)
National Show 1992 - A Plea by Peter Bent, 7, 21 (1992)
Naureen & Desmond Cole at Reading, April 2005 by Suzanne Mace, 20, 61 (2005)
Naureen Adele Cole (née Lambert) 9th February 1935 - 2nd July 2023 by Suzanne Mace, 38, 53 (2023)
Navigation by Divagation by Steve Hammer, 22, 85 (2007)
Nearer, Mein Gottlieb, to Thee by Steven Hammer, 20, 40 (2005)
Neo Neo! (A) by Steve Hammer, 8, 47 (1993)
Neohenricia Lives Again or: Have Warts, Will Travel by Steve Hammer, 25, 99 (2010)
Netting Mesembs, or Succulents in Cyberspace by Mark Border, 13, 65 (1998)
Never to See the Light of Day by Johan du Toit, 19, 57 (2004)
Never to See the Light of Day - follow-up by Johan du Toit, 20, 81 (2005)
(A) New Aberrant Colour Form (Cultivar) by Desmond T Cole, 24, 31 (2009)
New Albinistic Phenoms by Steve Hammer, 30, 99 (2015)
New and Old Results With Seeds by Steven Hammer, 20, 39 (2005)
New Book "The Genus Lithops" by Yasuhiko Shimada - Review by Suzanne Mace, 17, 16 (2002)
New Blood, Old Blood, and the Thousand-Uddered Dosatron by Steve Hammer, 37, 77 (2022)
New Conophytum (A) by Steve Hammer, 11, 31 (1996)
New Literature References by Tony Mace, 4, 88 (1989)
New Localities and Intensive Botanising by Johan du Toit, 20, 81 (2005)
New Locality for Lithops schwantesii subsp. schwantesii var. rugosa by Roy Earlé, Hilde Mouton & Janice Round, 31, 88 (2016)
New Locality for Titanopsis hugo-schlechteri in Namibia by Roy Earlé & Hilde Mouton, 28, 90 (2013)
(A) New Mesemb book - Outstanding is an understatement by Rob Wallace, 13, 83 (1998)
New Mesemb Electronic Mailing List by Tony Mace, 14, 88 (1999)
New Pattern Cultivar: Lithops karasmontana 'Suiren' by Zhang Shijia & Wei Zichu, ZWgarden, 38, 59 (2023)
New Southern Conophytum Pellucidum Populations by Terry Smale & Gerhard Wagner, 14, 45 (1999)
New White Rust Disease on Aizoaceae in the UK by Béatrice Henricot, Plant Pathology, RHS Wisley, 25, 34 (2010)
Newcomer's Notes by Susan Lax, 5, 41 (1990)
News and Views from Steve Hammer, 20, 84 (2005)
News and Views from Steve Hammer, 23, 79 (2008)
News Snippets from the Editor, 31, 87 (2016)
Next Three Months, April to June (The) by Rick Marshall, 7, 30 (1992)
Next Three Months, January to March (The) by Rick Marshall, 7, 18 (1992)
Next Three Months, July to September (The) - by Rick Marshall, 7, 66 (1992)
Next Three Months, October to December (The) - by Rick Marshall, 7, 76 (1992)
Next Zoom Meeting, 10th October 2021, 36, 51 (2021)
Next Zoom Meeting, 16th April 2023, 38, 20 (2023)
Night & Day by Steve Hammer, 4, 22 (1989)
Nocturnal flowering and floral scent production by Andy Young, 20, 41 (2005)
‘Noemie's Kiwi’; A New Lithops Cultivar by Ronny Feng, Lithopsgarden, Qingdao City, China, 31, 98 (2016)
North of North and the Cult of Data by Steve Hammer, 6, 14 (1991)

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North West Mesemb Show - 11th October 2008 by Peter Bint, 24, 18 (2009)
North West Mesemb Show 2009 report by Peter Bint, 24, 76 (2009)
North West Mesemb Show - Hosted by Manchester Branch of BCSS report by Peter Bint, 23, 26 (2008)
North West Mesemb Show, Manchester - October 8, 2011 by Suzanne Mace, 27, 28 (2012)
North West Mesemb Show - October 11th 2014 by Peter Bint, 30, 49 (2015)
Not According to Schedule: Floral Aberrations in Lithops by Lindsey Deaves, 27, 25 (2012)
(A) Note on Argyrops and Dinterops by Steven Hammer, 9, 50 (1994)
(A) Note on Conophytum frutescens Schwantes by Steve Hammer, 12, 37 (1997)
(A) Note on Conophytum obscurum and Conophytum bachelorum ssp. sponsaliorum by Steve Hammer, 13, 13 (1998)
(A) Note on Conophytum pellucidum Schwantes and C.terricolor Tischer by Steven Hammer, 13, 74 (1998)
Note on Conophytum Ratum by S A Hammer, 10, 49 (1995)
(A) Note on Delosperma macellum by Steven Hammer, 13, 78 (1998)
(A) Note on Delosperma macellum in Botswana by Desmond T. Cole, 13, 67 (1998)
(A) Note on Fenestraria by Steve Hammer, 5, 84 (1990)
Note to Accompany Figs 19.10 & 19.11 - by Mark Border, 19, 5 (2004)
Note to Accompany Phyllobolus tenuiflorus by Suzanne Mace, 13, 2 (1998)
Notes and News by Steve Hammer, 12, 19 (1997)
Notes for Colour Slides by Steve Hammer, 13, 2 (1998)
Notes for Colour Slides by Steve Hammer, 28, 2 (1998)
Notes for Newcomers by Susan Lax, 11, 53 (1996)
Notes for Pictures by Chris Rodgerson, 16, 69 (2001)
Notes for Pictures by Steven Hammer, 16, 82 (2001)
Notes for Seed Distribution 2022 by Peter Roat, 36, 95 (2021)
Notes for Seed Distribution 2023 from Peter Roat, 38, 22 (2023)
Notes for Seed Distribution 2024 from Peter Roat, 38, 75 (2023)
Notes from a Bookworm by Steve Hammer, 27, 13 (2012)
Notes from a Mesmerised Member by ‘Alan Opsis’, 21, 49 & 63 (2006)
Notes from Hamburg by Heidi Hartmann, 13, 59 (1998)
Notes from the 2001 Field Trip - Part 1, The Road to Springbok by Terry Smale, 18, 30 (2003)
Notes from the 2001 Field Trip - Part 2, The Richtersveld by Terry Smale, 18, 57 (2003)
Notes from There and Here by Steve Hammer, 6, 64 (1991)
Notes of Lithops projects by Norman Dennis, 1, 17 (1986)
Notes on Aloinopsis by Heidi Hartmann, 9, 27 (1994)
Notes on an Orange-Flowered Giraffe by Steve Hammer, 17, 78 (2002)
Notes on Aucamp's Lithops by Harald Jainta & Tielman Haumann, 35, 36 (2020)
Notes on Circandra serrata by Bob Chinnock & Catherine Arthur, 36, 54 (2021)

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Notes on Colour Plates by Steve Hammer, 9, 2,27,70 (1994)
Notes on Colour Plates by Steve Hammer, 10, 17,24,69 (1995)
Notes on Colour Plates by Steve Hammer and Suzanne Mace, 10, 66 (1995)
Notes on Colour Plates by Suzanne Mace, 8, 83 (1993)
Notes on Colour Plates continued by Suzanne Mace, 10, 70 (1995)
Notes on Colour Plates taken by R Chinnock, Australia by Suzanne Mace, 10, 45 (1995)
Notes on Conophytum ratum and its Friends by Steven Hammer, 14, 85 (1999)
Notes on Conophytum Ursprungianum Tischer by Steve Hammer, 11, 4 (1996)
Notes on Gibbaeum johnstonii by Steve Hammer, 12, 60 (1997)
Notes on Glottiphyllums by Dr. H.E.K. Hartmann, 8, 48 (1993)
Notes on Horn's Lithops by Harald Jainta & Tielman Haumann, 36, 48 (2021)
Notes on Kennedy's - or Von Wielligh's's Lithops by Harald Jainta & Anja Jainta, 35, 62 (2020)
Notes on Lithops optica and Lithops optica f. rubra with a brief comment on population structure and geographical distribution within the Genus by Brian & Gillian Fearn, 29, 37 (2014)
Notes on Lithops Populations and Conservation in Namibia and the Work of the Lithops Research & Conservation Foundation by Roy Earlé & Janice Round, 33, 17 (2018)
Notes on Lithops Projects by Norman Dennis, 1, 17 (1986)
Notes on Lithops ruschiorum by Harald & Anja Jainta, 34, 58 (2019)
Notes on Members of the Tuberculata Section of Conophytum in Habitat by Dr Terry Smale, 1, 12 (1986)
Notes on MRO 45 & Conophytum rubristylosum Tischer by Steve Hammer, 16, 19 (2001)
Notes on Photographs by Bob Chinnock, 12, 77 (1997)
Notes on Photographs by Bob Chinnock, 13, 43 (1998)
Notes on Photographs by Sonia Barker-Fricker, 12, 27,34 (1997)
Notes on Pictures by François Hoes, 18, 87 (2003)
Notes on Plate 3 - Lithops Cultivars (Figs 20.36 - 20.41), 20, 84 (2005)
Notes on Plates by Eddie Harris & Suzanne Mace, 8, 22 (1993)
Notes on Plates by Steven Hammer, 14, 61,94 (1999)
Notes on Plates by Steven Hammer, 15, 39,45 (2000)
Notes on Plates by Steven Hammer, 16, 63 (2001)
Notes on Plates by Steve Hammer, 18, 50 & 55 (2003)
Notes on Plates in January 1993 Bulletin, 8, 40 (1993)
Notes on Ruschia ventricosa by Steve Hammer, 6, 58 (1991)
Notes on Saphesia flaccida by Bob Chinnock, 12, 55 (1997)
Notes on Some Recent Colour Breaks by Steve Hammer, 17, 29 (2002)
Notes on the Cultivation of Diplosoma retroversum by Frank V. DiStefano, 7, 4 (1992)
Notes on the Cultivation of the Mesembryanthemaceae by Rick Marshall, 7, 19 (1992)
Notes on the Seed Distribution by Terry Smale, 8, 25 (1993)
Notes on the Type Locality of Lithops gracilidelineata by Harald Jainta, 38, 5 (2023)
Notes on the Type Locality of Lithops ruschiorum by Harald Jainta, 38, 39 (2023)
Notes on the Type Locality of Lithops urikosensis by Harald Jainta, 38, 62 (2023)
Notes on the UC Berkeley Conophytum Collection by Rebecca Hauser, 2, 50 (1987)
Notes on Two Photographs by Sonia Barker-Fricker, 12, 4 (1997)
Notes on Waldron's & Strey's Lithops by Harald & Anja Jainta, 37, 14 (2022)
Notes on Wild Lithops lesliei by Harald Jainta & Anja Jainta, 35, 89 (2020)
Notes to Accompany Colour Plates by Susan Lax, 11, 48,68 (1996)
Notes to Accompany Figs 29.27 - 29.84 by Steve Hammer, 29, 65 (2014)
Notes to Accompany Slides by Steve Hammer, 13, 61,81 (1998)
Notice of Des's Death from Naureen Cole, 33, 56 (2018)
Notions of a Novice by Allan S Akers, 20, 67 (2005)
Numbed-Down Numbers by Steve Hammer, 23, 56 (2008)
Number of Heads and Head Size in a Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii Population in Habitat by Roy Earlé, 27, 48 (2012)

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O and Commissions by Steven Hammer, 10, 30 (1995)
Obituary - Cathryn Mangold (1912-2004) by Steve Hammer, 19, 76 (2004)
Obituary - Grace Rollerson from Dr Michael Hawkes, Canada, 13, 48 (1998)
Obituary - Norman Wilbraham, 12, 63 (1997)
Obituary - Petr Pavelka senior by Petr Pavelka junior, 18, 47 (2003)
Obituary - Terry Ralph Hewitt (1942-2005), 20, 46 (2005)
Obituary - Vic Knight (1919-2005), 20, 68 (2005)
Observations at a Lithops karasmontana subsp. bella Population in Habitat by Roy Earlé, 26, 79 (2011)
Observations at In-Habitat Populations of the Lithops pseudotruncatella subsp. groendrayensis/dendritica Complex in Namibia by Roy Earlé & Tok Schoeman, 27, 73 (2012)
Observations in the field on Delianthe peersii (L.Bolus) N.E.Br. by J J du Toit, 22, 73 (2007)
Observations on Conicosia Pugioniformis by Roy Kohn, 5, 15 (1990)
Observations on Inheritance of Leaf and Flower Colour in Lithops lesliei by Ben J.M. Zonneveld, 8, 14 (1993)
Observations on Lithops gracilidelineata Dinter in the Wild by Harald & Anja Jainta, 33, 83 (2018)
Observations on Some Richtersveld Conophytums by Matthew Opel, 15, 74 (2000)
Occasional Literature Reviews by Suzanne Mace, 29, 67 & 88 (2014)
Occasional Literature Reviews by Suzanne & Tony Mace, 9, 56 (1994)
Occasional Literature Reviews by Suzanne & Tony Mace, 11, 61 (1996)
October 10th, 1998 by Suzanne Mace, 14, 27 (1999)
Ode to a Missing Lithops after the MSG Show by Jean Ellis, 8, 77 (1993)
Odontophorus nanus by Bryan Makin, 5, 39 (1990)
Of Mice and Mesembs by Steve Hammer, 33, 9 (2018)
Old King Cole by Steve Hammer, 12, 32 (1997)
‘Olive Rose’ A New Green Cultivar of Lithops hookeri var. dabneri by Roy Earlé, 37, 79 (2022)
On and Opthalmophyllums, or the Gang of Four by Steve Hammer, 17, 78 (2002)
On Not Cracking Argys by Russell Wagner, USA, 34, 38 (2019)
On Our Marx by Steve Hammer, 11, 70 (1996)
On Slow Selections and One-Time Collections or, What Did They Think Would Happen? by Russell Wagner, 31, 99 (2016)
On the Naming of Lithops hermetica by Desmond T Cole, 21, 43 (2006)
One Day with Lithops gesinae var. gesinae by Marc Mougin, 32, 23 (2017)
O-o-p-s! by Steve Hammer, 6, 26 (1991)
Oophytum Addendum by Bryan Makin, 3, 36 (1988)
Oophytum - an Update by Colin C Walker, 2, 31 (1987)
Oophytum N.E.Brown by Bryan Makin, 2, 4 (1987)
Open Sesame - the MSG Open Day. A personal impression by Jim Porter, 14, 89 (1999)
Ophthalmophyllum addendum by Steve Hammer, 3, 30 (1988)
Ophthalmophyllum digestum by Steve Hammer, 3, 7 (1988)
Ophthalmophyllum digestun by Steve Hammer, 1, 7 (1986)
Orange Conophytums by Chris Rodgerson, 18, 76 (2003)
Oscularia: A Mountain to Climb by Matt H. Buys, 23, 81 (2008)
Out of Africa by Steve Hammer, 4, 56 (1989)
Out-of-Season Conophytums by Lindsey Deaves, 19, 24 (2004)
Overcooked Dumplings or, Under the Vyg Leaf by Steve Hammer, 16, 56 (2001)
Oz Succulents by Didge Rowe, 19, 88 (2004)

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Packaged for Life by David Jacobs, 4, 40 (1989)
Parasitic Wasps on Aizoaceae by Katrin Baumgaertner, 18, 61 (2003)
Parenthetical Alliances by Steve Hammer, 25, 44 (2010)
Paul's Picture Parade by Suzanne Mace, 18, 13 (2003)
Peppermint Crème by Günter Seifert, 15, 82 (2000)
Pesticides - Some Observations by Eddy Harris, 16, 36 (2001)
Pests of Mesembryanthemums by Eddy Harris, 7, 32 (1992)
Peter's Ramblings by Peter Bent, 1, 8,25,51 (1986)
Peter's Ramblings by Peter Bent, 3, 17 (1988)
Peter's Ramblings by Peter Bent, 8, 5 (1993)
Peter's Ramblings by Peter Bent, 9, 44 (1994)
Peter's Ramblings by Peter Bent, 11, 73 (1996)
Peter's Ramblings by Peter Bent, 18, 90 (2003)
Peter's Ramblings by Peter Bent, 19, 25,49 (2004)
Peter's Ramblings by Peter Bent, 20, 23,45 (2005)
Peter's Ramblings by Peter Bent, 31, 48 (2016)
Philip Downs, 6.1.38 - 26.12.17 from Brian Fearn, 33, 23 (2018)
Phoenix, Phoenix by Steve Hammer, 23, 35 (2008)
Phytogeography of the Genus Drosanthemum: The Distribution of Subgenera by H.E.K. Hartmann, Hamburg, 24, 58 (2009)
Place Names of Nama Origin by Johan du Toit, 21, 64 (2006)
Plant and Seed Exchange List 2012 compiled by John Watmough, 27, 62 (2012)
Plant and Seed Exchange List 2013 compiled by John Watmough, 28, 60 (2013)
Plant and Seed Exchange List 2014 compiled by John Watmough, 29, 59 (2014)
Plant and Seed Exchange List 2015 compiled by John Watmough, 30, 66 (2015)
Plant and Seed Exchange Scheme, 31, 18 (2016)
Plant Distribution List 2008 compiled by Mark Border, 23, 65 (2008)
Plant Distribution List 2008 compiled by Mark Border, 24, 52 (2009)
Plant Distribution Scheme by Mark Border, 14, 21 (1999)
Plant Distribution Scheme 2001 by Mark Border, 16, 58 (2001)
Plant Distribution Scheme 2010 compiled by Mark Border, 25, 57 (2010)
Plant Distribution Scheme 2011 compiled by Mark Border, 26, 61 (2011)
Plant Distribution Scheme - Plant List 2002 compiled by Mark Border, 17, 58 (2002)
Plant Distribution Scheme - Plant List 2003, 18, 64 (2003)
Plant Distribution Scheme - Plant List 2005 compiled by Mark Border, 20, 53 (2005)
Plant Distribution Scheme - Plant List 2007 compiled by Mark Border, 22, 65 (2007)
Plant Exchange Scheme by Mark Border, 14, 73 (1999)
Plant Exchange Scheme by Mark Border, 15, 48 (2000)
Plant Exchange Scheme by Mark Border, 18, 21 (2003)
Plant Exchange Scheme by Mark Border, 19, 11 (2004)
Plant Exchange Scheme by Mark Border, 19, 58 (2004)
Plant Exchange Scheme: New Co-ordinator, Andy Palmer, 38, 47 (2023)
Plant Exchange Scheme Report from an End User by Kevin Mason, 15, 9 (2000)
Plant Exchange Scheme Report from the Organiser by Mark Border, 15, 8 (2000)
Plant Exchange Scheme words from the Editor (Suzanne Mace), 20, 72 (2005)
Plant/Seed Exchange Scheme (The) by Mark Border, 16, 12 (2001)
Plant/Seed Exchange Scheme (The) by Mark Border, 17, 20 (2002)
Plant Distribution List 2008 compiled by Mark Border, 23, 65 (2008)
Plant Sale, Karoo National Botanic Garden, 7 Sept 1996, 11, 41 (1996)

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Pleiospilos nelii ‘Royal Flush’ MSG1680 by Neil Hutchinson, Neston, UK, 23, 74 (2008)
Pleispilos compactus ssp canus by Suzanne Mace, 4, 82 (1989)
Plural News by Steve Hammer, 10, 5 (1995)
Pollen Structures in Conophytum by Andrew J. Young, 38, 56 (2023)
Pollination of Conophytums of Section Pellucida by Terry Smale, 14, 50 (1999)
Populations of Delianthe thudichumi (L.Bolus) S.A.Hammer in the area Vanwyksvlei/Carnarvon/Pampoenpoort (Northern Cape) by Gerhard F. Wagner, 17, 13 (2002)
Pots of Lithops from Garden Centres by Suzanne Mace, 35, 93 (2020)
(A) Positive Identification for William John Burchell's Mesembryanthemum turbiniforme, the Type Species of Dr. N.E. Brown's Genus Lithops by Brian Fearn, 32, 65 (2017)
Postcards from Chris Rodgerson, 11, 30 (1996)
Postcards from South Africa from Chris Rodgerson, 7, 77 (1992)
Postcards from South Africa from Chris Rodgerson, 9, 75 (1994)
Predated Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii Colony Revisited by Roy Earlé, 27, 23 (2012)
Predation by Armoured Ground Cricket on a Population of Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii in Habitat by Roy Earlé, 26, 71 (2011)
Predation by Harvester Termites in a Lithops Locality by Emile Heunis with additions from Desmond T. Cole, 28, 2 (2013)
Presto Changeo by Steven Hammer, 32, 62 (2017)
Pro- and Anti- mima by Steven Hammer, 6, 84 (1991)
Pro- and Antimima by Steven Hammer, 24, 10 (2009)
(The) Problem of Lithops lesliei subsp. lesliei var. hornii ‘Greenhorn’ by William T F du Toit, 32, 38 (2017)
Problems in Mesemb Etymology encountered by Len Newton, 18, 81 (2003)
Producing Seed from Lithops & Conophytums by Terry Smale, 16, 13 (2001)
Product Review - Dymo 1000 Electronic Labelmaker by Suzanne Mace, 9, 86 (1994)
Prof. Cole and His Magic Carpet from Steve Hammer, 33, 56 (2018)
Professor Desmond T. Cole - A Personal Tribute by Keith Green, 33, 54 (2018)
Proliferating Tall Tales by Steve Hammer, 10, 50 (1995)
Psammophora by Eddy Harris, 2, 8 (1987)
Publication Review "Bradleya 21/2003", 18, 72 (2003)
Pushing the Limits with Cacti & Succulents in Cold Climates by Leo Chance, Colorado Springs, CO, USA, 29, 55 (2014)
Questions and Anthers by Steven Hammer, 9, 42 (1994)

To Top of Page

R.Broom, Rhinephile by Steve Hammer, 7, 81 (1992)
Rainbow Notions by Steve Hammer, 14, 35 (1999)
Raising Conos from Seed by Uwe Beyer, 11, 2 (1996)
Reader Letter from Roger Needham, Cheshire, 4, 3 (1989)
Recent and Sundry Observations by Steve Hammer, 15, 66 (2000)
Recent Hybrids by Steven Hammer, 23, 80 (2008)
Recent Literature References by Tony Mace, 16, 86 (2001)
Recent Muddles by Steven Hammer, 23, 13 (2008)
Recent Revisions in the Cole Classification of Lithops, Report by Eddy Harris, 2, 63 (1987)
Recent Studies in Lampranthus N.E.Br. by Cornelia Klak, 17, 70 (2002)
Recollections of Luderitz by Ralph Hewitt, 13, 60 (1998)
Recombinant Nananthus For Fun and Profit by Steve Hammer, 20, 5 (2005)
Red and Green, The Ywc Group continued by Hans Hassberg, 6, 33 (1991)
Red Cultivars and Their Names by Andrew Young, 21, 39 (2006)
Red Wonders by Steve Hammer, 12, 77 (1997)
Redheads and Apricots: R-Sports and R-Forms in Lithops by Lindsey Deaves, 26, 58 (2011)
Rediscovering Rabiea difformis by Steve Hammer, 8, 80 (1993)
Rediscovery of Archer's Lithops by Harald & Anja Jainta, 33, 38 (2018)
Rediscovery of Lithops opalina Dinter by Harald Jainta, Anja Jainta & Eddy Shipulwa, 33, 60 (2018)
Reductio ad absurdum by Jim Porter, 11, 75 (1996)
Reflections by Suzanne Mace, 15, 84 (2000)
Reflections on Blackened Lithops in Namibia by Brian McDonough, 30, 46 (2015)
Reflections on Past Mesemb Events and the 2014 Mesemb Event by Suzanne Mace, 29, 86 (2014)
Reflections on the Seed Distribution by Terry Smale, 2, 47 (1987)
Rejuvenation of Cheiridopsis meyeri N.E.Br (The) by Alan Hart, 12, 34 (1997)
Remembering Paul Whicher by Suzanne Mace, 13, 52 (1998)
Remembering Terry Smale - 21st August 2021 Invite, 36, 51 (2021)
Remembrances of Hazel Hodgson - A Compilation of Contributions, 22, 35 (2007)
Reply to Anne Adams' Article by Tony Irons, 31, 30 (2016)
Reply to Letter from Rolf Rawe by Steve Hammer, 11, 39 (1996)
Reply to Norm Dennis' Comments on Lithops Corner by Hans Hassberg, 3, 55 (1988)
Report from Kiel by H. Jacobsen, Botanic Garden, Kiel University, 20, 33 (2005)
(A) Report from the Valley of the Schmoon by Rogan Roth, South Africa, 28, 24 (2013)
Report on the Asclepiad/Mesemb/BCSS Bromley Branch Show by Tony Mace, 3, 63 (1988)
Report on the Mesemb Study Group Meeting, 25th September 1988, by Tony Mace, 3, 81 (1988)
Report on the Mesemb Study Group Meeting, 28th September 1986, by Tony Mace, 1, 53 (1986)
Report on the Mid Cheshire Mesemb Show by Alan Hart, 1, 49 (1986)
Report on the MSG Study Group Meeting on the Pellucida Section of Conophytum by Tony & Suzanne Mace, 4, 86 (1989)
Report on the Study Group Meeting on Cheiridopsis by Tony Mace, 2, 56 (1987)
Report on the Study Group Meeting on Gibbaeums, 27th September 1987, by Suzanne Mace, 2, 72 (1987)
Report on the Study Group Meeting on Nananthinae by Tony Mace, 3, 58 (1988)
Reporting on a Striking Lithops Find by Dr Ronald Uijs, 34, 14 (2019)
Research Grant for Drosanthemum and Delosperma by Terry Smale, 25, 108 (2010)
Research Projects on Succulents by Norman Dennis, 1, 6 (1986)
Research Projects on Succulents by Norman Dennis, 3, 6 (1988)
Responding to Dr. Heine by Jim Porter, 16, 79 (2001)
(A) Response to Don Smith's Article from Naureen Cole, 32, 33 (2017)
(A) Response to Jim Porter by Steve Hammer, 14, 38 (1999)
Response to Ken Hancock from Suzanne Mace & Terry Smale, 25, 69 (2010)
Return to South Africa - Part 1 Conophytum Depressum by Terry Smale, 3, 44 (1988)
Return to South Africa - Part 2 by Terry Smale, 3, 66 (1988)
Return to South Africa - Part 3 by Terry Smale, 4, 4 (1989)
Return to South Africa - Part 4 by Terry Smale, 4, 30 (1989)
Return to South Africa - Part 5 by Terry Smale, 4, 53 (1989)
Return to South Africa - Part 6 In search of Conophytum semivestitum - again! by Terry Smale, 4, 79 (1989)

To Top of Page

Rev. Meyer Revisited, and More Notes on Namaqualand - by Steve Hammer, 13, 8 (1998)
Reverend Meyer's Lobations - by Steve Hammer, 13, 8 (1998)
Review by Jim Porter: "Lithops, Treasures of the Veld" by Steven A. Hammer, 14, 83 (1999)
Review by Steven Hammer: "Lithops - Flowering Stones" by Desmond & Naureen Cole, 20, 55 (2005)
Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 33. Jahrgang (2015) Heft 4, 31, 23 (2016)
Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 34. Jahrgang (2016) Heft 1, 31, 49 (2016)
Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 34. Jahrgang (2016) Heft 2, 31, 69 (2016)
Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 34. Jahrgang (2016) Heft 3, 31, 90 (2016)
Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 34. Jahrgang (2016) Heft 4, 32, 16 (2017)
Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 35. Jahrgang (2017) Heft 1, 32, 46 (2017)
Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 35. Jahrgang (2017) Heft 3, 32, 84 (2017)
Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 35. Jahrgang (2017) Heft 4, 33, 16 (2018)
Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 36. Jahrgang (2018) Heft 1, 33, 40 (2018)
Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 36. Jahrgang (2018) Heft 4, 34, 20 (2019)
Review of Avonia 37, Jahrgang (2019) Heft 1 by Suzanne Mace, 34, 48 (2019)
Review of Avonia 37, Jahrgang (2019) Heft 2 by Suzanne Mace, 34, 64 (2019)
Review of Avonia 37, Jahrgang (2019) Heft 3 by Suzanne Mace, 34, 81 (2019)
Review of Avonia 37, Jahrgang (2019) Heft 4 by Suzanne Mace, 35, 10 (2020)
Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 38. Jahrgang (2020) Heft 1, 35, 35 (2020)
Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 38. Jahrgang (2020) Heft 2, 35, 56 (2020)
Review of Avonia 39, Jahrgang (2021) Heft 2, 3 & 4 by Suzanne Mace, 36, 87 (2021)
Review of Avonia 40, Jahrgang (2022) Heft 1 by Suzanne Mace, 37, 41 (2022)
Review of Avonia 40, Jahrgang (2022) Heft 2 by Suzanne Mace, 37, 47 (2022)
Review of Avonia 40, Jahrgang (2022) Heft 3 by Suzanne Mace, 37, 67 (2022)
Review of Avonia 40, Jahrgang (2022) Heft 4 by Suzanne Mace, 38, 27 (2023)
Review of Avonia 41, Jahrgang (2023) Heft 1 by Suzanne Mace, 38, 41 (2023)
Review of Avonia 41, Jahrgang (2023) Heft 2 by Suzanne Mace, 38, 52 (2023)
Review of Avonia 41, Jahrgang (2023) Heft 3 by Suzanne Mace, 38, 74 (2023)
Review of Bradleya 41/2023 by Suzanne Mace, 38, 41 (2023)
Review of Cactus & Succulent Journal Vol 67, No 4, July-August 1995 by Suzanne Mace, 10, 83 (1995)
Review of Cactus & Succulent Journal Vol 95, No 2, Summer 2023 by Suzanne Mace, 38, 79 (2023)
Review of Cactus & Succulent Journal Vol 95, No 4, Winter 2023 by Suzanne Mace, 38, 79 (2023)
Review of “Conophytum Hand Book - Cultivated in Japan” by Suzanne Mace, 10, 79 (1995)
Review of "Haseltonia - Yearbook of the CSSA, Number 11 - 2005", 21, 25 (2006)
Review of "Lithops - Lebende Steine" by Dr Rudolf Heine, by Hans Hassberg, 2, 30 (1987)
Review of Madoqua 1, 1987 by Hans Hassberg, 2, 77 (1987)
Review of Recent Literature by Suzanne and Tony Mace, 17, 80 (2002)
Review of "The New Growing of the Mesembs" by Ed Storms, by Suzanne Mace, 1, 54 (1986)
Revised List of Names - DT MSG Seed 1987 - by Derek Tribble, 6, 65 (1991)
Revisions to the Proposed Mesemb Show Groups - by Derek Tribble, 6, 28 (1991)
Rhinefile Two by Steven Hammer, 9, 43 (1994)
Room, With a View! by Tim Jackson, 21, 65 (2006)
Root growth by Matt Campbell, 5, 40 (1990)
(A) Rough Guide to Mesemb Names by Terry Smale, 23, 46 (2008)
Round and About by L F Palmer, 1, 18 (1986)
Round and About by L F Palmer, 3, 18 (1988)
Rubied Treasures by Steve Hammer, 17, 8 (2002)
Rudesheim Ruby ex J. Brandt by Keith Green, 25, 105 (2010)
Rustles of Spring by Steve Hammer, 16, 31 (2001)

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Lithops salicola 'bacchus' 15k.

Lithops salicola "bacchus"

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