Index - A to C Index - D to L Index - M to R Index - S to Z Index - Conophytum Index - Lithops

Cumulative article index 1986 to 2023: D - L

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Dabner's Lithops - Flowering Stones from Kimberley's Pans by Harald & Anja Jainta, 36, 19 (2021)
Dactylopsis digitata by Steven Hammer, 36, 57 (2021)
Daniel Saved from the Lions' Den - the Curious Case of Conophytum danielii and jarmilae by Terry Smale, 22, 21 (2007)
Dark Days at the Stomatium Farm by Lindsey Deaves, 25, 40 (2010)
Data on Lithops Cultivar Names by Vincent Formosa, 13, 56 (1998)
Day at the Mesemb Show/Boot Sale (A) by Len Beesley, 7, 22 (1992)
Deciduous Delospermas and A Golden Drosanthemum by Steven Hammer, 20, 38 (2005)
Delosperma Bosseranum Marais by Harry Mays, 11, 7 (1996)
Delosperma Flowers in N.E. Africa - A New Challenge for the New Year by Heidrun E.K. Hartmann, 28, 42 (2013)
Delosperma Hybrids and Their Foes by Leo Chance, Colorado Springs, CO, USA, 30, 82 (2015)
Delosperma N.E.Br. from Lesotho and Neighbouring Areas - Photos of Ambiguous Species from Habitat and Dubious Plants from Cultivation by Gerhard F. Wagner, 19, 42 (2004)
Delosperma nubigenum (Schlechter) L.Bolus and its Allies by Steve Hammer, 11, 29 (1996)
Department of Collections, Corrections, and Senility by Steve Hammer, 27, 61 (2012)
Des Remembered from Suzanne Mace, 33, 54 (2018)
Desmond T Cole - update, 20, 77 (2005)
“Desperation” Flowering of Lithops in Habitat by Roy A. Earlé, 32, 85 (2017)
Deviant Deviums by Steve Hammer, 10, 54 (1995)
Didge Rowe Comments, 22, 8 (2007)
Dinteranthus pole-evansii by Suzanne Mace of Brighton, 4, 83 (1989)
Dinteranthus puberulus by Suzanne Mace, 5, 56 (1990)
Dinteranthus vanbrownii, or Credit Due by Steven Hammer, 9, 81 (1994)
Dinteranthus vanzylii by Suzanne Mace, 6, 17 (1991)
Dinteranthus wilmotianus by Suzanne Mace, 5, 18 (1990)
Diplosomas and other Matters by Frank Di Stefano, 9, 77 (1994)
Disasters in the Greenhouse by Suzanne Mace, 35, 27 (2020)
Dishevelled Dicrocaulons by Steve Hammer, 27, 61 (2012)
Distinct Moments for Sowing by Aiko Talens, Netherlands, 31, 91 (2016)
Dog Day Flowers and A Growing Sowing by Steven Hammer, 22, 68 (2007)
Dorotheanthus booysenii L.Bol by H. Mays, 9, 48 (1994)
A Dorotheanthus Rises Again by Steve Hammer, 16, 5 (2001)
Dorotheanthus rourkei from Seed - Taming the untamed by Bob Chinnock, 12, 15 (1997)
Dorothea's Lithops - The People Involved by Harald Jainta & Tielman Haumann, 35, 17 (2020)
Dr. N.E. Brown, 23, 51 (2008)
Dreams and Derivations by Steven Hammer, 25, 43 (2010)
Drought by Johan J du Toit, 18, 85 (2003)
Dualing Antimimas by Steven Hammer, 16, 5 (2001)

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Early Reactions to a Late Bulletin by Steve Hammer, 35, 4 (2020)
Easy way of raising Mesembs from seed (An) by Henry Fisher, 4, 37 (1989)
Eberlanzia Moves On by David Lambie, 14, 5, (1999)
Ectotropis alpina by Petit Mesembryanthemum, 21, 22 (2006)
Ectotropis Revisited by Ian Nartowicz, 22, 31 (2007)
Ectypum Casting and Other Wagnerian Sagas by Steve Hammer, 18, 800 (2003)
(The) Effect of Temperature and Chemicals upon the Germination of some Conophytums by F V Distefano, 3, 71 (1988)
Effects of Climate Change? by Naureen Cole, 25, 7 (2010)
Elephants Spotted at Dabenoris by Steve Hammer, 29, 68 (2014)
Endemic Awareness by Steve Hammer, 18, 53 (2003)
England Revisited by Steve Hammer, 6, 13 (1991)
English Adventures by Steve Hammer, 22, 32 (2007)
Erepsia heteropetala (Haw.) Schwantes, TW009 by Gerhard Wagner, 17, 28 (2002)
Erepsia lacera by Brian McDonough, 29, 23 (2014)
Erepsia pillansii & Co by Steven Hammer, 14, 63, (1999)
Erepsia (Semnanthe) lacera by Suzanne Mace, 28, 89 (2013)
Erni's Evidence by Steven Hammer, 6, 74 (1991)
Even More Reasons to be Impressed by Lithops: Specialised Photosynthesis by Chris Baker, 16, 40 (2001)
Everyone Said to Me "You Never Visit South Africa Just Once..." (Recollections of a second ‘Conothon’, April 2008) Part 1. Cape Town to Kamieskroon by Andrew Young, 24, 43 (2009)
Everyone Said to Me "You Never Visit South Africa Just Once..." (Recollections of a second ‘Conothon’, April 2008) Part 2. Cape Town to Kamieskroon by Andrew Young, 24, 67 (2009)
Everyone Said to Me "You Never Visit South Africa Just Once..." (Recollections of a second ‘Conothon’, April 2008) Part 3. Port Nolloth to Cape Town by Andrew Young, 25, 2 (2010)
(The) Exchange Scheme 2016 & Plant List by John Watmough, 31, 73 (2016)
(The) Exchange Scheme by John Watmough, 32, 6 (2017)
Expansion of the Gamsberg Zinc Mining Operation - Help Needed! by Andrew Young, 32, 79 (2017)
Experiences in Growing in Open Beds and Garden Plantings by Peter Bent, 5, 82 (1990)
Experiments with Mesembryanthemaceae by Keith Davies, 9, 33 (1994)
Experiments with Seed Sowing by Kirk Drury, 4, 34 (1989)
Extracts by Suzanne Mace, from South African Plant Red Data Lists, Edited by Janice Golding, 18, 38 (2003)
Extracts from Faxlets from Professor Desmond Cole, 18, 7 (2003)

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Fall's Alarums by Steve Hammer, 12, 50 (1997)
Feats of Clay by Steve Hammer, 15, 42 (2000)
Fecundity in Erepsia dunensis by Steve Hammer, 19, 56 (2004)
'Federvogel Green' A New Lithops Cultivar by Hilde Mouton & Frikkie Mouton, Namibia, 38, 88 (2023)
Fenestraria by Suzanne Mace, 1, 24 (1986)
Fertility Clinic to Re-Open its Locules by Steve Hammer, 23, 80 (2008)
Fertility Rights or, Banking On It by Steve Hammer, 12, 26 (1997)
Fervid Blisters by Steve Hammer, 12, 32 (1997)
Few Odd Ruschias (A) by Steve Hammer, 10, 31 (1995)
Field Tour - Namibia & South Africa, September, 2006 by Don Smith, Colchester, Essex, 23, 58 (2008)
Field Tour - Namibia & South Africa, September, 2006 (part two) by Don Smith, Colchester, Essex, 24, 37 (2009)
Field Trip Notes by Steve Hammer, 1, 31 (1986)
Finding Haworthia truncata by Maciej Waclawski, 34, 87 (2019)
First Attempts by Alan Armitage, York, 23, 19 (2008)
First Impressions by Andy Young, 19, 86 (2004)
First Impressions of South Africa - by Suzanne & Tony Mace of Brighton, 4, 64 (1989)
First Report on a Lithops optica a.c.f. ‘Rubra’ Population in Habitat by Roy A. Earlé, 28, 14 (2013)
Flat Dumpling Near the Canyon by Marc Mougin, France, 33, 78 (2018)
Floricultural Notes by Steve Hammer, 11, 19 (1996)
Flower Colour Variation by Suzanne Mace, 4, 78 (1989)
Flower Power by Steven Hammer, 9, 55 (1994)
"Flowering Plants of the World" - A Review by Terry Smale, 23, 13 (2008)
Flowering Strategy of L. pseudotruncatella var elisabethiae in Response to Greenhouse Watering by Roy Earlé, 31, 19 (2016)
Flowering Tomes - A New Book Series on Mesembs and How You Can Help Make It a Reality by Steven A Hammer, 26, 40 (2011)
Flowers from The Cape by Terry Smale, 17, 79 (2002)
Flowers of Autumn by Steve Hammer, 6, 16 (1991)
Fog and Dew in the Succulent Karoo by Ignatious Matimati, Charles Musil, Lincoln Raitt and Edmund February, 26, 18 (2011)
Font of Grape Jelly Found on Rooiberg by Steven Hammer, 38, 55 (2023)
Four Aberrant Conophytums by Terry Smale, 28, 63 (2013)
Four Conophytum Drawings by Ivor Hayes, 6, 78 (1991)
Four New Lithops Cultivars from Andy Yang, 37, 68 (2022)
Four Taxonomic Changes Within Genus Lithops Published in 2019 by Harald Jainta, 35, 9 (2020)
Fourth Mid-Cheshire Mesembryanthemaceae Show (The) by Alan Hart, 5, 13 (1990)
Frames, Controlled Ventilation & Humidity Controls by Peter Bent, 6, 60 (1991)
François's Frog Leaps by Steve Hammer, 19, 6 (2004)
Freckled "Beeskloutjies" from "Die ou Transvaal" by Rogan B.Roth, 14, 51, (1999)
Friendly Daggers, or, Notes on Machairophyllum by Steven Hammer, 6, 77 (1991)
Friendship and Collaboration Over Many Years Between Two Succulent Plant Enthusiasts by Naureen A. Cole, 34, 34 (2019)
Frithia fanciers by Rob Wallace, 13, 84 (1998)
Frithia humilis by Werner du Toit, South Africa, 25, 11 (2010)
Frithia pulchra - A Little Story About A Self-Pollination by Bernd Schlösser, 16, 52 (2001)
Frithia pulchra - A Little Story About Self-Pollination by Bernd Schlösser, 18, 86 (2003)
Frithia's Fairest Friends by Steve Hammer, 13, 64 (1998)
From an Aptenian Joke, to Striped Stones by Carlo Morici, 11, 16 (1996)
From Mesembryanthemum to Mesembryanthemaceae - by Gordon Rowley, 7, 52 (1992)
From the Editor, Suzanne Mace, 38, 21 (2023)
From the New Chairman - Derek Tribble, 37, 1 (2022)
Fruiting and frying behaviour of Conophytum hammeri by Steve Hammer, 13, 75 (1998)
Fruits of the Karoo by Dave Lambie, 13, 81 (1998)
Full-Blooded Dorotheanthus rourkei by Steve Hammer, 24, 10 (2009)
Full Circle for Circandra by Steve Hammer, 31, 64 (2016)
Fully Booked for Work by Steve Hammer, 27, 42 (2012)
Fun on the Farm by Terry and Jennifer Smale, 1, 44 (1986)
Further Divagations by Steve Hammer, 22, 87 (2007)
Further Input on WFTs by Mr D R Sizer, 31, 5 (2016)
Further Musings by Suzanne Mace, 20, 40 (2005)
Further Notes on Colour Plates by Steve Hammer, 9, 83 (1994)
Further Notes on Lithops halenbergensis Tisch. by Steve Hammer, 8, 51 (1993)
Futher Verruculosian Wrinkles by Steve Hammer, 10, 14 (1995)

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(The) Gallic Way: Growing Lithops from Seed by Vincent Formosa, 16, 43 (2001)
‘Gariep Juweel’ - A Corrected Correction by Keith Green, 32, 78 (2017)
Gems and Purple Passions by Steve Hammer, 7, 65 (1992)
Gender Follies by Steve Hammer, 27, 61 (2012)
Georg Ambrozy by Steve Hammer, 9, 63 (1994)
Genus Conophytum: A Conograph Book Launch (The) by Ralph Hewitt, 9, 19 (1994)
Germination of Lithops divergens by Terry Smale, 27, 79 (2012)
Gesinae v. Gesineae, and Other Nomenclatural Quibbles - A comment by Erol Goodwyn, 20, 78 (2005)
Gibbaeum by Eddy Harris, 2, 28 (1987)
Gibbaeum Forum by Bryan Makin, 3, 26,46 (1988)
Gibbaeum Forum by Bryan Makin, 4, 6 (1989)
Gibbaeum Forum (1988) by Bryan Makin , 38, 64 (2023)
Gibbaeum haaglenii var. parviflorum (L.Bolus) H.Hartmann by J J du Toit, 22, 30 (2007)
Giraffes of the Greenhouse by Steve Hammer, 28, 18 (2013)
Girl Deepens Tan; Nel Sheds Jacket by Steven Hammer, 28, 69 (2013)
Glandular Problems by Steve Hammer, 7, 68 (1992)
Glorious Gibbaeums by Suzanne Mace, 35, 30 (2020)
Glottiphyllum ochraceum and Visual Reality by Steve Hammer, 13, 63 (1998)
Glottiphyllum oligocarpum, 32, 59 (2017)
Glottiphyllum Oligocarpum L.Bolus - MSG 803 by Harry Mays, 11, 15 (1996)
Glottiphyllum peersii L.Bolus - A Plant for all Seasons by J J du Toit, 23, 14 (2008)
Go Grow a Grotty by Terry Smale, 5, 34 (1990)
Going After the Difficult Ones by Johan du Toit, 23, 41 (2008)
Going Wild With Cultivars by Steve Hammer, 19, 39 (2004)
Going Wild With X Mentophyllum by Steve Hammer, 18, 52 (2003)
Gordon Douglas Rowley 31.7.1921 - 11.8.2019, An Appreciation from Suzanne Mace, 34, 68 (2019)
Grafted Lithops - An Update by Lorenzo Stocco, Italy, 23, 71 (2008)
Grafting on Aizoaceae by Lorenzo Stocco, 13, 58 (1998)
Graham Williamson+ 12th October 2017, 32, 82 (2017)
Graham Williamson's Greenhouse by Steven Hammer, 32, 82 (2017)
Grant from Research Fund by Terry Smale, 24, 62 (2009)
Great Depressum (The) by Steven Hammer, 9, 31 (1994)
Great Outdoors (The) by Steve Hammer, 13, 37 (1998)
Greeks Romans Had a Word for It (The) by Jim Porter, 13, 18 (1998)
Green Diamonds by Andrew J. Young, 37, 6 (2022)
Green Grow the Lithops-O! About Green-bodied Colour Forms by Lindsey Deaves, 26, 95 (2011)
‘Green Ivory’ A New Lithops Cultivar by Bernd Schlösser, 29, 82 (2014)
Green Speckles and Green Horns by Bernd Schlösser, Germany, 28, 87 (2013)
(A) Grey Green Mutant of Lithops gesinae var. annae by Dr Rudolf Heine, 16, 50 (2001)
Groen & Van der Maesen's Revison of the Genus Faucaria by Jonathan Y. Clark, 15, 29 (2000)
Groupings in Ruschioideae (Aizoaceae) Hartmann 1998 by Dr Heidi Hartmann, 13, 35 (1998)
Growing Conophytums by Terry Smale, 15, 79 (2000)
Growing Conophytums, a beginner's guide from, 37, 22 (2022)
Growing Japanese Conophytum Cultivars by Andrew J. Young, 36, 38 (2021)
Growing Lithops from Seed in Bulgaria by Nata Ellis, 34, 17 (2019)
Growing Mesembryanthema in Brisbane by D.J. (Didge) Rowe, 18, 15 (2003)
Growing Mesembs from Seed by David Jacobs, 2, 44 (1987)
Growing Mesembs from Seed the Southern Hemisphere Way by Bob Chinnock, 16, 71 (2001)
Growing Mesembs in Adelaide - by Bob Chinnock, 14, 2, (1999)
Growing Mesembs in Austria by Count Georg Ambrozy, 6, 37 (1991)
Growing Pears by Tom Jacobs and Terry Smale, 17, 9 (2002)
Guests of Honour - Guest Editorial by Steven Hammer, 37, 63 (2022)

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H.W. De Boer 1 by Naureen Cole, 36, 28 (2021)
H.W. De Boer 2 by Naureen Cole, 36, 59 (2021)
H.W. De Boer 3 by Naureen Cole, 36, 81 (2021)
H.W. De Boer 4 by Naureen Cole, 37, 29 (2022)
H.W. De Boer 5 by Naureen Cole, 37, 50 (2022)
H.W. De Boer 6 by Naureen Cole, 37, 70 (2022) & 38, 7 (2023)
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow: Aloinopsis setifera and its Relatives by Steve Hammer, 18, 34 (2003)
Hamanthus, or, Mabel's Deli by Steve Hammer, 7, 67 (1992)
Hammer Lecture (The) by Terry Smale, 2, 65 (1987)
Hammer Turns Chimaeric from Steve Hammer, 33, 80 (2018)
Hammer's Onion by Matthew Opel, 19, 62 (2004)
Hanging out in Rocky Places by Bob Chinnock, 14, 81, (1999)
Happy Accidents, or, East of Eenriet by Steve Hammer, 9, 85 (1994)
Hardy Mesembs by Gordon Rowley, 1, 11 (1986)
Hardy Mesembs "In the Beginning" (part one) - The Introduction of Delosperma nubigenum in North America by Panayoti Kelaidis, Denver Botanic Gardens, Colorado, USA 29, 33 (2014)
Harvesting of Mesemb Seeds by Aiko Talens, 32, 32 (2017)
Have Gibbaeum, Will Travel by Steve Hammer, 24, 46 (2009)
Haystacks and Hot Potatoes by Steve Hammer, 19, 12 (2004)
Heidrun (Heidi) Elsbeth Klara Hartmann+ from Steve Hammer, 31, 66 (2016)
Hepworth's Legacy by Steve Hammer, 12, 39 (1997)
Hereroa brevifolia by Suzanne Mace, 7, 2 (1992)
Herr Steinecke's Steine by Steve Hammer, 6, 59 (1991)
Herreanthus meyeri v.nova - compiled by Suzanne Mace, 4, 58 (1989)
Herreanthus Observations and Discussions between Ivan le Page and Steve Hammer, 2, 68 (1987)
Hidden Potential by Steven Hammer, 16, 84 (2001)
Highlight on a Collection by Suzanne Mace, 35, 4 (2020)
Home-brewed Fliptops by Steve Hammer, 26, 85 (2011)
Hoole's and Britten's Faucarias by Steven Hammer, 14, 71, (1999)
Hotter Than an Hibachi by Steve Hammer, 30, 99 (2015)
Hours for Flowers by Steven A. Hammer, 38, 38 (2023)
How to Appreciate Mesembs by Hiroshi Nakatani, 5, 33 (1990)
How to Cultivate Some of the More Difficult Mesembs by David Jacobs, 2, 10 (1987)
How to Share Your Burger, or, Stalagmite Seeks Stalactite by Steven Hammer, 28, 90 (2013)
Human Settlement and Lithops lesliei Populations by Charles Craib, 10, 7 (1995)
Hungry Jaws by Steve Hammer, 25, 101 (2010)
Hybrid Conophytum (A) by Terry Smale, 3, 25 (1988)
Hybrid Round-up by Steven Hammer, 25, 56 (2010)
Hybrids are more than just a Cross by Tom Jacobs, 17, 17 (2002)
Hymenogyne glabra: an annual Mesemb with long-lived seeds by Matthew R. Opel, 37, 8 (2022)

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I Choose the Karoo by Steve Hammer, 7, 80 (1992)
"I 'Spect I Growed!" - More about that Gibbaeum/Glottiphyllum Hybrid of Uncertain Origin by Lindsey Deaves, 23, 44 (2008)
Ice Plants of the Desert: Mesembryanthemum and Allies in Southern Africa by Dr Maike Gerbaulet, 12, 5 (1997)
Ice Plants of the Desert: Mesembryanthemum and Allies in Southern Africa (Continued) by Dr Maike Gerbaulet, 12, 29 (1997)
iKhambi-lamabulawo by Matt H. Buys, Compton Herbarium, Kirstenbosch, South Africa, 24, 73 (2009)
Important Note by Desmond T Cole, 10th January 2006, 21, 25 (2006)
Impostors by Terry Smale, 1, 1 (1986)
Impressions of An Exhibition by Suzanne Mace, 21, 93 (2006)
In-Population Variation in Lithops julii ssp. julii in Habitat by Roy Earlé, Hilde Mouton & Janice Round, 27, 51 (2012)
In Search of Succulents in Botswana by Cornelia Klak, 28, 37 (2013)
In the Greenhouse by Suzanne Mace, 2, 54,76 (1987)
In The Heat Of The Moment by Jim Porter, 11, 27 (1996)
In Time For Christmas by Andrew Wilson, San Diego, California, 20, 12 (2005)
In Vitro Germination of Lithops Seeds by Alina Goncharova, Russia, 34, 66 (2019)
Inheritance of the Body and Flower Colour Mutations of Lithops lesliei by Dave Porter, 13, 45 (1998)
Instant Smoke Seed Primer Stimulates the Germination of Vygie Seeds by U de V Pienaar, 19, 21 (2004)
International Succulent Introductions 1994 Offerings by Harry Mays, 9, 15 (1994)
International Succulent Introductions 1995 Offerings by Harry Mays, 10, 15 (1995)
International Zoom Conference 2020, 35, 68 (2020)
Into the Richtersveld by Hans Herre, University of Stellenbosch Botanic Garden, reprinted from Desert Plant Life, Vol 19, 2, 25, 23 (2010)
Investigation into the Systematics of the Lampranthus Group (Aizoaceae) by Cornelia Klak, 14, 30 (1999)
Irma and Aggeneys by Steve Hammer, 15, 69 (2000)
Ironstone Lithops by Tony Irons, 30, 48 (2015)
ISI 1988 List, 3, 36 (1988)
ISI by Harry Mays, 8, 58 (1993)
Jaws of the Military by Steven Hammer, 7, 27 (1992)
Jesenobotyria lossowiana by Michael T. Barrett, 10, 39 (1995)
‘Jewel of the Gariep’ ex L. Pretorius by Keith Green, 32, 47 (2017)
John Hill - Eden: A Compleat Body of Gardening, 1757 submitted by Gordon D Rowley, 30, 75 (2015)
Jossie Brandt+ by Steve Hammer, 29, 65 (2014)
Just Why Do Our Plants Go Pink in the Spring? by Andy Young, 18, 36 (2003)
Kaktusy 2021 special 2 offer, 36, 33 (2021)
Karoo Flowers by Steven Hammer, 6, 82 (1991)
Keeling Over by Steven Hammer, 16, 80 (2001)
Keep the Aspozoma Flying! by Steven Hammer, 32, 18 (2017)
Key to the pictures on the cover of Steven Hammer's "Lithops - Treasures of The Veld", 15, 7 (2000)
Khadia borealis and its Friends by Steven Hammer, 14, 63 (1999)
Kotzesrus Lithops et al. by Keith Green, 30, 84 (2015)
Kurt Dinter and the Farm ‘Sandverhaar’ by Desmond T. & Naureen A. Cole, 25, 86 (2010)
La Vida Breve? by Steve Hammer, 32, 40 (2017)
Lampranthus Pictures by Suzanne Mace, 11, 34 (1996)
Lampranthus species by C Robin Walton, 19, 24 (2004)
Lamps of Spring by Steve Hammer, 26, 42 (2011)
Lapidaria margaretae A Catalog of Delight by D Russell Wagner, 37, 25 (2022)
Leslie's Red-Headed League and Other Notes by Steve Hammer, 10, 59 (1995)

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Letter from Dr Heidi Hartmann, 15, 14 (2000)
Letter from Dr Heidi Hartmann, Biozentrum Klein Flottbek, Hamburg, Germany, 20, 79 (2005)
Letter from Fritz by Steve Hammer, 10, 32 (1995)
Letter from Germany by Hans Hassberg, 2, 51 (1987)
Letter from Hamburg - Heidi Hartmann, 20th December 2004 20, 14 (2005)
Letter from Hamburg: Aizoaceae at Width from Heidi Hartmann, 22, 56 (2007)
Letter from Hans Hassberg, 2, 78 (1987)
Letter from Heidi Hartmann, 7, 37 (1992)
Letter from Heidi Hartmann, Hamburg, 12, 53 (1997)
Letter from Heidi Hartmann, Hamburg, 18, 88 (2003)
Letter from Heidi Hartmann, Institute Für Allgemeine Botanik, Hamburg, 6th May 2002, 17, 38 (2002)
Letter from Heidi Hartmann, University of Hamburg, 9, 76 (1994)
Letter from Rolf Rawe to Steve Hammer, 11, 36 (1996)
Letter from Steve Hammer, 2, 74 (1987)
Letter from Steve Hammer, 3, 3,49,77 (1988)
Letter from Steve Hammer, 4, 8,32,77 (1989)
Letter from Steve Hammer, 5, 3,26,58 (1990)
Letter from Steve Hammer, 6, 19,43,66,87 (1991)
Letter from Steve Hammer, 7, 44 (1992)
Letter from Steve Hammer, 8, 56 (1993)
Letter from Steve Hammer, 9, 78 (1994)
Letter from Steve Hammer, 17, 63 (2002)
Letter to the Editor Stephen Thompson, 32, 18 (2017)
(A) Letter to the Editor, 17th October 2015 from Peter Bint, Manchester, 30, 100 (2015)
(A) Letter to the Editor of the MSG Bulletin from Ken Hancock, Canada, 25, 109 (2010)
Letter to the Editress from Steve Hammer, 23, 60 (2008)
Letters from Keith Green and - A Note on Lithops Hybrids and Terminologies - by Steve Hammer, 13, 14 (1998)
Life at the Institute by Tom Jacobs, 17, 17 (2002)
Line on Nelia (A) by Steve Hammer, 6, 32 (1991)
List of Genera in the Family Aizoaceae (A) by Derek Tribble, 12, 72 (1997)
List of Plant Numbers by Naureen Cole, 34, 62 (2019)
List of Southern African Succulent Plants - Reviewed by Suzanne and Tony Mace, 13, 25 (1998)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: ALOE: 41:2&3:2004, 19, 68 (2004)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: ALOE: 52:1:2016, 31, 49 (2016)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: ALOE: 52:2:2016, 32, 16 (2017)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 33. Jahrgang (2015) Heft 4, 31, 23 (2016)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 34. Jahrgang (2016) Heft 1, 31, 49 (2016)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 34. Jahrgang (2016) Heft 2, 31, 69 (2016)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 34. Jahrgang (2016) Heft 3, 31, 90 (2016)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 34. Jahrgang (2016) Heft 4, 32, 16 (2017)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 35. Jahrgang (2017) Heft 1, 32, 46 (2017)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 35. Jahrgang (2017) Heft 3, 32, 84 (2017)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 35. Jahrgang (2017) Heft 4, 33, 16 (2018)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 36. Jahrgang (2018) Heft 1, 33, 40 (2018)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 36. Jahrgang (2018) Heft 4, 34, 20 (2019)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 37. Jahrgang (2019) Heft 1, 34, 48 (2019)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 37. Jahrgang (2019) Heft 2, 34, 64 (2019)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 37. Jahrgang (2019) Heft 3, 34, 81 (2019)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 37. Jahrgang (2019) Heft 4, 35, 10 (2020)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 38. Jahrgang (2020) Heft 1, 35, 35 (2020)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 38. Jahrgang (2020) Heft 2, 35, 56 (2020)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 39. Jahrgang (2021) Heft 2, 3 & 4 36, 87 (2021)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 40. Jahrgang (2022) Heft 1 37, 41 (2022)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 40. Jahrgang (2022) Heft 2 37, 47 (2022)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 40. Jahrgang (2022) Heft 3 37, 67 (2022)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 40. Jahrgang (2022) Heft 4 38, 27 (2023)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 41. Jahrgang (2023) Heft 1 38, 41 (2023)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 41. Jahrgang (2023) Heft 2 38, 52 (2023)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: AVONIA 41. Jahrgang (2023) Heft 3 38, 74 (2023)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: BRADLEYA 31/2013, 29, 44 (2014)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: BRADLEYA 35/2017, 32, 84 (2017)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: BRADLEYA 38/2020, 35, 33 (2020)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: BRADLEYA 41/2023, 38, 41 (2023)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: Cactus & Succulent Journal Vol 67, No 4, July-August 1995, 10, 83 (1995)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: Cactus & Succulent Journal Vol 95, No 2, Summer 2023, 38, 79 (2023)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: Cactus & Succulent Journal Vol 95, No 4, Winter 2023, 38, 79 (2023)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: KuaS - Heft 12, Dezember 2015, 66. Jahrgang, 31, 23 (2016)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: KuaS - Heft 4, April 2016, 67. Jahrgang, 31, 49 (2016)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: "Mesembs, The Titanopsis Group" by Steven A Hammer, 28, 11 (2013)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: Succulenta 2, April 2020, Jaargang 99, 35, 35 (2020)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: Succulenta 2, April 2021, Jaargang 100, 36, 73 (2021)
Literature Review by Suzanne Mace: "Wild Lithops" by Harald Jainta, 32, 83 (2017)
Literature Review by Terry Smale: "Recently introduced diseases of ornamental plants" article by Beatrice Henricot in The Plantsman 8(4), 216-223 (2009), 25, 11 (2010)
Literature Review by Tony Mace: "Etymological Dictionary of Succulent Plant Names" by Urs Eggli & Leonard E. Newton, 19, 68 (2004)
Literature Reviews by Suzanne Mace, 16, 7,22,61,78 (2001)
Literature Reviews by Suzanne Mace, 21, 75 (2006)
Literature Reviews by Suzanne Mace, 23, 27,49,53,68,94 (2008)
Literature Reviews by Suzanne Mace, 24, 19,20,89 (2009)
Literature Reviews by Suzanne Mace, 25, 25,73,88,104 (2010)
Literature Reviews by Suzanne Mace, 26, 19,24,73,85,98 (2011)
Literature Reviews by Suzanne Mace, 27, 19,47,100 (2012)
Literature Reviews by Suzanne Mace, 30, 43 & 101 (2015)
Literature Reviews by Suzanne Mace: "ALOE: 42:1&2:2005", "ALOE: 42:3:2005", "ALOE: 42:4:2005", "ALOE: 43:1:2006", "ALOE: 43:2&3:2006", 22, 45/46 (2007)
Literature Reviews by Tony & Suzanne Mace, 7, 85 (1992)
Literature Reviews by Tony Mace, 4, 16,63 (1989)
Literature Reviews by Tony Mace, 5, 19,61,83(1990)
Literature Reviews by Tony Mace, 6, 18,61,86 (1991)

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Lithoparian Recollections - 1 by Desmond T Cole, 20, 74 (2005)
Lithoparian Recollections - 2 by Desmond T Cole, 21, 4 (2006)
Lithoparian Recollections - 3 by Des & Naureen Cole, 21, 31 (2006)
Lithoparian Recollections - 4 by Des & Naureen Cole, 21, 61 (2006)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 5 by Des & Naureen Cole, 21, 95 (2006)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 6 by Des & Naureen Cole, 22, 4 (2007)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 8 by Des & Naureen Cole, 22, 29 (2007)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 9 by Des & Naureen Cole, 22, 52 (2007)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 10 by Des & Naureen Cole, 22, 75 (2007)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 11 by Des & Naureen Cole, 23, 7 (2008)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 12 by Des & Naureen Cole, 23, 36 (2008)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 13 by Des & Naureen Cole, 23, 61 (2008)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 14 by Des & Naureen Cole, 23, 84 (2008)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 15, pt 1 by Des & Naureen Cole, 24, 7 (2009)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 15, pt 2 by Des & Naureen Cole, 24, 28 (2009)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 16 by Des & Naureen Cole, 24, 54 (2009)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 17 by Des & Naureen Cole, 24, 81 (2009)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 18 by Des & Naureen Cole, 25, 20 (2010)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 19 by Des & Naureen Cole, 25, 37 (2010)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 20 by Des & Naureen Cole, 25, 61 (2010)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 21 by Des & Naureen Cole, 25, 94 (2010)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 22 by Des & Naureen Cole, 26, 33 (2011)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 23 by Des & Naureen Cole, 26, 63 (2011)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 24 by Des & Naureen Cole, 26, 92 (2011)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 25 by Des & Naureen Cole, 27, 14 (2012)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 26 by Des & Naureen Cole, 27, 43 & 65 (2012)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 27 by Des & Naureen Cole, 27, 90 (2012)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 28 by Des & Naureen Cole, 28, 8 (2013)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 29 by Des & Naureen Cole, 28, 28 (2013)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 30 by Des & Naureen Cole, 28, 57 (2013)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 31 by Des & Naureen Cole, 28, 79 (2013)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 32 by Des & Naureen Cole, 29, 5 (2014)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 33 by Des & Naureen Cole, 29, 30 (2014)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 34 by Des & Naureen Cole, 29, 51 (2014)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 35 by Des & Naureen Cole, 29, 75 (2014)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 36 by Des & Naureen Cole, 30, 6 (2015)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 37 by Des & Naureen Cole, 30, 33 (2015)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 38 by Des & Naureen Cole, 30, 60 (2015)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 39 by Des & Naureen Cole, 30, 89 (2015)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 40 by Des & Naureen Cole, 31, 9 (2016)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 41 by Des & Naureen Cole, 31, 35 (2016)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 42 by Des & Naureen Cole, 31, 85 (2016)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 43 by Des & Naureen Cole, 32, 7 (2017)

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Lithopogram by Desmond T. Cole, 7, 87 (1992)
Lithops! by Andrew van Ginkel, 23, 91 (2008)
Lithops: A New Pattern Bred Cultivar by C.J. (Tok) Schoeman, Windhoek, Namibia, 24, 47 (2009)
Lithops - An Interesting Aberrant Colour Form by Des & Naureen Cole, 22, 50 (2007)
Lithops Anatomy by Brian Fearn, 31, 20 (2016)
Lithops and a Londoner by Keith Green, 22, 2 (2007)
Lithops and Three Generations of Erni by Roy Earlé & Janice Round, 32, 13 (2017)
Lithops and Baboons - A Symbiotic Relationship in Namibia by Tok Schoeman, 29, 2 (2014)
Lithops and their Culture by Giuseppe Maria Piccione, Italy, 27, 11 (2012)
Lithops archerae by Gunter Seifert, 13, 52 (1998)
Lithops at Home by Rogan Roth, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 29, 41 (2014)
Lithops aucampiae - A Visit to the Type Locality, 25 June 1973, accompanied by the lady who originally found the plants, and for whom they were named by Naureen A. Cole, 35, 88 (2020)
Lithops aucampiae subsp. euniceae in Habitat by Roy Earlé, 36, 15 (2021)
Lithops bromfieldii ‘Red Coral’ by Szabo Laszlo, 33, 44 (2018)
Lithops ‘Bronzino’, Sister Siblings by Russell Wagner, 37, 11 (2022)
Lithops Corner by Hans Hassberg, 3, 16,52 (1988)
Lithops Corner by Hans Hassberg, 4, 17,59 (1989)
Lithops Corner by Hans Hassberg, 5, 9,29,71 (1990)
Lithops Corner by Norm Dennis, 3, 31,79 (1988)
Lithops Corner by Norm Dennis, 4, 35,84 (1989)
Lithops Corner by Norm Dennis, 5, 57 (1990)
Lithops dinteri ssp. multipunctata by Lindsey Deaves, 20, 61 (2005)
Lithops dinteri subsp. dinteri var. brevis - How Many Dots? by Roy A. Earlé & Hilde Mouton, 28, 12 (2013)
Lithops dinteri subsp. dinteri var. brevis - How Many Dots? Part 2 by Roy A. Earlé, 31, 28 (2016)
"Lithops - Flowering Stones" by Desmond & Naureen Cole - Review by Steven Hammer, 20, 55 (2005)
Lithops gesinae - and Other Lithoparian Notes by Desmond T Cole, 20, 27 (2005)
Lithops helmutii by Suzanne Mace, 6, 79 (1991)
(A) Lithops hookeri With Stable Variegation by Lindsey Deaves, 25, 45 (2010)
"Lithops in Habitat and Cultivation" by Roy Earlé & Janice Round - Book review by Jim Porter, 36, 90 (2021)
Lithops - is there a Seed Bank? by Don Smith, 30, 22 (2015)
Lithops karasmontana and the Variability of the Genus Lithops by Harald & Anja Jainta, 34, 39 (2019)
Lithops karasmontana - Charles Darwin's Dream Plant by Roy A. Earlé, 29, 12 (2014)
Lithops karasmontana subsp.bella & Didymaotus lapidiformis by Ralph Hewitt, 12, 52 (1997)
Lithops karasmontana subsp. bella in Habitat - 5 Years Later During the Drought by Roy Earlé, 33, 41 (2018)
Lithops, Latitude & Lichen by Keith Green, 33, 31 (2018)
Lithops Leaf & Root Growth - Dormancy; Roots Are Also a Storage Organ by Don Smith, 25, 59 (2010)
Lithops Leaf & Root Growth - The ‘Thirst’ Experiment by Don Smith, 25, 12 (2010)
Lithops Leaf & Root Growth - What Actually Happens by Don Smith, 27, 82 (2012)
Lithops Leaf Bracts by Don Smith, 31, 70 (2016)
Lithops Leaf Growth in Habitat by Don Smith, 24, 48 (2009)
Lithops lesliei ‘Fred's Redhead’ X xDinterops by Mr Duan Junli, China, 32, 44 (2017)
Lithops lesliei subsp. lesliei var. minor in Habitat by Roy Earlé, 36, 18 (2021)
Lithops lesliei, the Doomed Species in Southern Gauteng by Georg Fritz, Gauteng, South Africa, 25, 29 (2010)
Lithops localis: Diversity & Similarity by Harald & Anja Jainta, 37, 73 (2022)
Lithops localis Variant by Quintin Payne, 22, 31 (2007)
Lithops marmorata in Habitat by Roy A. Earlé, Janice Round, Hilde Mouton & Frikkie Mouton, 32, 35 (2017)
Lithops Melting-pot: Pattern-Cultivars and other Named and Unnamed Oddities by Lindsey Deaves, 27, 52 (2012)
Lithops naureeniae 'Hulun Buir' by Shao Yuan, Babao Garden, shaoyuan, 38, 88 (2023)

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Lithops Oddities by Bernd Schlösser, 19, 84 (2004)
Lithops Oddities by Neil Hutchinson, 25, 32 (2010)
Lithops ‘opalina’ is Still at Large (And Probably Always Will Be) by Roy Earlé, Hilde Mouton, Janice Round & Frikkie Mouton, 34, 41 (2019)
Lithops on a Windowsill by Keith Green, 11, 50 (1996)
Lithops on Location by Keith Green, 23, 15 & 52 (2008)
Lithops optica var. rubra - Pigmentation by Don Smith, 30, 97 (2015)
Lithops optica var. rubra - The Flower Problem by Don Smith, 32, 20 (2017)
Lithops otzeniana by Jan Oberholster, 24, 40 (2009)
Lithops: Pansoaked and Sundried by Tok Schoeman, 24, 32 (2009)
Lithops pseudotruncatella at the Western Edge of its Distribution by Harald & Anja Jainta, 34, 61 & 84 (2019)
Lithops pseudotruncatella subs. groendrayensis by Anne Adams, 31, 16 (2016)
Lithops Researches, May 2006 by Des & Naureen Cole, 21, 56 (2006)
Lithops salicola Oddities by David Lambie, 15, 70 (2000)
Lithops salicola "var.ramosa" - a monstrous shrubby? by Hans J Hassberg, 7, 35 (1992)
Lithops schwantesii subsp. schwantesii var. schwantesii ‘Purple Haze’ by Dr Andreas Laras, Athens, Greece, 34, 82 (2019)
Lithops - Seasonal Root Scar by Don Smith, 30, 51 (2014)
Lithops ‘Snow Fog’, A New Cultivar from China by David Kao (a.k.a. Old Ben), G&G Garden, Taiwan, 30, 17 (2015)
Lithops steineckeana by Roger Martin, 9, 16 (1994)
Lithops steineckeana - Some New Details!? by Lothar Rennemann, 12, 14 (1997)
Lithops Stems and Their Age in Habitat by Roy A. Earlé, 28, 17 (2013)
Lithops Sudden Death - The Soft Rot by Ian Robinson, 15, 81 (2000)
Lithops ‘Sunstone’ by Anne Adams, 31, 16 (2016)
Lithops - Survival & Distribution by Don Smith, 32, 89 (2017)
Lithops terricolor ‘Chocolate Sprinkles’ by Bernd Schlösser, 31, 15 (2016)
Lithops terricolor cv. Speckled Gold by Bernd Schlösser, 22, 90 (2007)
Lithops terricolor ‘Pinky’ by Keith Green & Bernd Schlösser, 23, 43 (2008)
Lithops terricolor ‘Steamy Windows’ by Bernd Schlösser, 31, 33 (2016)
"Lithops - Treasures of the Veld" - Russian second edition by Natalia Ellis, 24, 40 (2009)
Lithops under the Hammer - A Review by Jim Porter of "Lithops, Treasures of the Veld" by Steven A. Hammer 14, 83 (1999)
Lithops verruculosa var. inae by Roberto Arias, 22, 50 (2007)
Lithops villetii - deboeri - kennedyi by Dr R. Heine, translated by V. Knight, 15, 30 (2000)
Lithops werneri Is No Longer Lonely by Harald Jainta, 37, 34 (2022)
Lithops werneri, Phantom of My Opera by Tok Schoeman, 27, 70 (2012)
Lithops werneri under attack! by Tok Schoeman, 30, 18 (2015)
(A) Little Known Delosperma Species in East Africa by Len Newton, 3, 35 (1988)
Little Plump Blob: Conophytum burgeri by Aiko Talens, 30, 71 (2015)
Littlewood's Little Trichodiadema by Steve Hammer, 18, 33 (2003)
Loam as Substrate by Aiko Talens, 28, 66 (2013)
Looking at a Lithops Plant - Parts 1 & 2 by Giuseppe Maria Piccione, Italy, 25, 50 (2010) & 26, 67 (2011)
Looking at Your Plants by Rob Stevenson, 21, 47 (2006)
Looking at Your Plants (2) by Rob Stevenson, Lincolnshire 24, 14 (2009)
Looking on Brandberg Mountain by Roy Earlé, 35, 31 (2020)
Lost and Found Again: Circandra serrata by Cornelia Klak, 22, 27 (2007)
Lost Conophytums by Steve Hammer, 2, 32 (1987)
Lost Treasures of the Veld? by Harald Jainta, Germany, 23, 33 (2008)
Love in the Age of Anthrax by Steve Hammer, 15, 56 (2000)
Love on the Installment Plan by Steve Hammer, 29, 85 (2014)
(A) Loving Affair - Mesembs and their Pollinators by Dr Mike Struck, 12, 2 (1997)
"L.S.D.S." (Lithops Sudden Death Syndrome) by Jason Gilbert, 14, 72 (1999)

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