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Cumulative article index 1986 to 2023 - Lithops

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50 Shades of Gray - A New Lithops Cultivar by Boris Rommer, 37, 77 (2022)
A Grey Green Mutant of Lithops gesinae var. annae by Dr Rudolf Heine, 16, 50 (2001)
A Lithops Plant: The Epidermis in the Leaves, Stomata, Microwindows, Dusk Dots and Rubrications by Giuseppe Maria Piccione, 28, 92 (2013)
A Lithops Trip to Namibia by Gerhard Marx, 14, 6 (1999)
A Mixed In-Habitat Colony of Lithops karasmontana subsp. bella and subsp. eberlanzii by Roy Earlé, Hilde Mouton & Janice Round, 28, 70 (2013)
A New Aberrant Cultivar: Lithops N.E.Br. ‘Sunny Grassland ZW’ by Zhang Shijia & Wei Zichu, ZWgarden, 35, 66 (2020)
A New Caespitose cultivar: Lithops N.E.Br. lesliei (N.E.Br.) N.E.Br. ‘Sage Sun's Hairs@ZW’ by Zhang Shijia & Wei Zichu, ZWgarden, 29, 43 (2014)
A New Cultivar Variety of Lithops schwantesii subsp. schwantesii var. urikosensis by Roy Earlé, Hilde Mouton & Janice Round, 33, 87 (2018)
A New Lithops Cultivar: Lithops bromfieldii var. bromfieldii "White Nymph" by Yasuhiko Shimada, 17, 62 (2002)
A New Named Hybrid in Lithops by Bernd Schlösser, 27, 28 (2012)
A New Pattern and Aberrant Colour Cultivar: Lithops ‘Grain Rain zw’ by Zhang Shijia & Wei Zichu, ZWgarden, 34, 66 (2019)
A New Pattern and Aberrant Colour Cultivar: Lithops lesliei ssp. lesliei ‘South Lake ZW’ by Zhang Shijia & Wei Zichu, ZWgarden, 36, 23 (2021)
A New Pattern Cultivar: Lithops julii ‘Nine Rivers ZW’ by Zhang Shijia & Wei Zichu, ZWgarden, 35, 21 (2020)
A New Pattern Cultivar: Lithops julii subsp. julii cv. ‘Honey Lips zw’ by Zhang Shijia & Wei Zichu, ZWgarden, 34, 82 (2019)
A New Pattern Cultivar: Lithops N.E.Br. ‘Chinchillas ZW’ by Zhang Shijia & Wei Zichu, ZWgarden, 35, 45 (2020)
A New Pattern Cultivar: Lithops N.E.Br. julii (Dint. & Schwant.) N.E.Br. subsp. julii cv ‘Yunmeng Lake’ by Zhang Shijia & Wei Zichu, ZWgarden, 33, 47 (2018)
A New Pattern Cultivar: Lithops N.E.Br. ‘Nuwa Stone zw’ by Zhang Shijia & Wei Zichu, ZWgarden, 34, 8 (2019)
A New Pattern Cultivar: Lithops N.E.Br. ‘Sunflowers zw’ by Zhang Shijia & Wei Zichu, ZWgarden, 33, 63 (2018)
A New Pattern Cultivar: Lithops N.E.Br. verruculosa Nel var. verruculosa ‘Fireworks-ZW’ by Zhang Shijia & Wei Zichu, ZWgarden, 33, 23 (2019)
A New Red Lithops Cultivar by Bernd Schlösser, 26, 57 (2011)
A Note on Lithops marmorata - 100 Years Old? by Desmond T. and Naureen A. Cole, 25, 39 (2010)
A Positive Identification for William John Burchell's Mesembryanthemum turbiniforme, the Type Species of Dr. N.E. Brown's Genus Lithops by Brian Fern, 32, 65 (2017)
A Survey of Lithops Cultivars and Hybrids in Collections by Roy Earlé, 35, 40 (2020)
A Visit to Lithops ruschiorum var. lineata, ‘Les Misérables’ of Namibia by Tok Schoeman, 27, 77 (2012)
Adaptation in Lithops from the Southern to Northern Hemisphere by Norm Dennis, 3, 59 (1988)
Addendum to article on Lithops villetii - deboeri - kennedyi in MSG Bulletin 15/2 by Dr R. Heine, 15, 61 (2000)
An Update on the Distribution of Lithops bromfieldii var. glaudinae by Ronald Uijs, 29, 83 (2014)
Analysis of characters in the genus Lithops by Jonathan Y. Clark, 13, 76, 13 (1998)
At Last - Lithops schwantesii subsp. gebseri Found in Habitat by Hilde Mouton & Frikkie Mouton, 36, 73 (2021)

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Bicentenary of the Discovery of Burchell's Lithops by Des & Naureen Cole, 26, 55 (2011)
C187 At Last (Lithops pseudotruncatella subsp. pseudotruncatella var. elisabethiae) by Keith Green, 38, 72 (2023)
‘Charming Mustard’ (Lithops aucampiae subsp. aucampiae var. koelemanii cv “Charming Mustard”) by Chen Yang, 36, 88 (2021)
‘Cherry’ from China (Lithops lesliei subsp. lesliei var. lesliei ‘Cherry’) by Duan Junli, 34, 45 (2019)
Comments on Lithops by Dr. Rudolph Heine, 18, 4 (2003)
Computer-Aided Taxonomy of Lithops by Jonathan Y. Clark, 18, 10 (2003)
Conophytum, Lithops and Me by Peter Roat, 37, 64 (2022)
Conophytum, Lithops and Me - Part 2: The Conophytum House by Peter Roat, 38, 16 (2023)
Dabner's Lithops - Flowering Stones from Kimberley's Pans by Harald & Anja Jainta, 36, 19 (2021)
Data on Lithops Cultivar Names by Vincent Formosa, 13, 56 (1998)
“Desperation” Flowering of Lithops in Habitat by Roy A. Earlé, 32, 85 (2017)
Dorothea's Lithops - The People Involved by Harald Jainta & Tielman Haumann, 35, 17 (2020)
Even More Reasons to be Impressed by Lithops: Specialised Photosynthesis by Chris Baker, 16, 40 (2001)
'Federvogel Green' A New Lithops Cultivar by Hilde Mouton & Frikkie Mouton, Namibia, 38, 88 (2023)
First Report on a Lithops optica a.c.f. ‘Rubra’ Population in Habitat by Roy A. Earlé, 28, 14 (2013)
Flowering Strategy of L. pseudotruncatella var elisabethiae in Response to Greenhouse Watering by Roy Earlé, 31, 19 (2016)
Four New Lithops Cultivars from Andy Yang, 37, 68 (2022)
Four Taxonomic Changes Within Genus Lithops Published in 2019 by Harald Jainta, 35, 9 (2020)
Further Notes on Lithops halenbergensis Tisch. by Steve Hammer, 8, 51 (1993)
‘Gariep Juweel’ - A Corrected Correction by Keith Green, 32, 78 (2017)
Germination of Lithops divergens by Terry Smale, 27, 79 (2012)
Grafted Lithops - An Update by Lorenzo Stocco, Italy, 23, 71 (2008)
Green Grow the Lithops-O! About Green-bodied Colour Forms by Lindsey Deaves, 26, 95 (2011)
‘Green Ivory’ A New Lithops Cultivar by Bernd Schlösser, 29, 82 (2014)
Growing Lithops from Seed in Bulgaria by Nata Ellis, 34, 17 (2019)
Human Settlement and Lithops lesliei Populations by Charles Craib, 10, 7 (1995)
In-Population Variation in Lithops julii ssp. julii in Habitat by Roy Earlé, Hilde Mouton & Janice Round, 27, 51 (2012)
In Vitro Germination of Lithops Seeds by Alina Goncharova, Russia, 34, 66 (2019)
Inheritance of the Body and Flower Colour Mutations of Lithops lesliei by Dave Porter, 13, 45 (1998)
Ironstone Lithops by Tony Irons, 30, 48 (2015)
‘Jewel of the Gariep’ ex L. Pretorius by Keith Green, 32, 47 (2017)
Key to the pictures on the cover of Steven Hammer's "Lithops - Treasures of the Veld", 15, 7 (2000)
Kotzesrus Lithops et al. by Keith Green, 30, 84 (2015)
Letters from Keith Green and - A Note on Lithops Hybrids and Terminologies - by Steve Hammer, 13, 14 (1998)

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Lithoparian Recollections - 1 by Desmond T Cole, 20, 74 (2005)
Lithoparian Recollections - 2 by Desmond T Cole, 21, 4 (2006)
Lithoparian Recollections - 3 by Des & Naureen Cole, 21, 31 (2006)
Lithoparian Recollections - 4 by Des & Naureen Cole, 21, 61 (2006)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 5 by Des & Naureen Cole, 21, 95 (2006)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 6 by Des & Naureen Cole, 22, 4 (2007)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 8 by Des & Naureen Cole, 22, 29 (2007)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 9 by Des & Naureen Cole, 22, 52 (2007)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 10 by Des & Naureen Cole, 22, 75 (2007)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 11 by Des & Naureen Cole, 23, 7 (2008)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 12 by Des & Naureen Cole, 23, 36 (2008)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 13 by Des & Naureen Cole, 23, 61 (2008)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 14 by Des & Naureen Cole, 23, 84 (2008)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 15, pt 1 by Des & Naureen Cole, 24, 7 (2009)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 15, pt 2 by Des & Naureen Cole, 24, 28 (2009)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 16 by Des & Naureen Cole, 24, 54 (2009)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 17 by Des & Naureen Cole, 24, 81 (2009)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 18 by Des & Naureen Cole, 25, 20 (2010)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 19 by Des & Naureen Cole, 25, 37 (2010)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 20 by Des & Naureen Cole, 25, 61 (2010)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 21 by Des & Naureen Cole, 25, 94 (2010)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 22 by Des & Naureen Cole, 26, 33 (2011)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 23 by Des & Naureen Cole, 26, 63 (2011)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 24 by Des & Naureen Cole, 26, 92 (2011)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 25 by Des & Naureen Cole, 27, 14 (2012)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 26 by Des & Naureen Cole, 27, 43 & 65 (2012)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 27 by Des & Naureen Cole, 27, 90 (2012)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 28 by Des & Naureen Cole, 28, 8 (2013)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 29 by Des & Naureen Cole, 28, 28 (2013)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 30 by Des & Naureen Cole, 28, 57 (2013)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 31 by Des & Naureen Cole, 28, 79 (2013)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 32 by Des & Naureen Cole, 29, 5 (2014)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 33 by Des & Naureen Cole, 29, 30 (2014)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 34 by Des & Naureen Cole, 29, 51 (2014)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 35 by Des & Naureen Cole, 29, 75 (2014)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 36 by Des & Naureen Cole, 30, 6 (2015)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 37 by Des & Naureen Cole, 30, 33 (2015)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 38 by Des & Naureen Cole, 30, 60 (2015)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 39 by Des & Naureen Cole, 30, 89 (2015)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 40 by Des & Naureen Cole, 31, 9 (2016)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 41 by Des & Naureen Cole, 31, 35 (2016)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 42 by Des & Naureen Cole, 31, 85 (2016)
Lithoparian Recollections - Part 43 by Des & Naureen Cole, 32, 7 (2017)

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Lithopogram by Desmond T Cole, 7, 87 (1992)
Lithops! by Andrew van Ginkel, 23, 91 (2008)
Lithops: A New Pattern Bred Cultivar by C.J. (Tok) Schoeman, Windhoek, Namibia, 24, 47 (2009)
Lithops - An Interesting Aberrant Colour Form by Des & Naureen Cole, 22, 50 (2007)
Lithops Anatomy by Brian Fearn, 31, 20 (2016)
Lithops and a Londoner by Keith Green, 22, 2 (2007)
Lithops and Baboons - A Symbiotic Relationship in Namibia by Tok Schoeman, 29, 2 (2014)
Lithops and their Culture by Giuseppe Maria Piccione, Italy, 27, 11 (2012)
Lithops and Three Generations of Erni by Roy Earlé & Janice Round, 32, 13 (2017)
Lithops archerae by Gunter Seifert, 13, 52 (1998)
Lithops at Home by Rogan Roth, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, 29, 41 (2014)
Lithops aucampiae - A Visit to the Type Locality, 25 June 1973, accompanied by the lady who originally found the plants, and for whom they were named by Naureen A. Cole, 35, 88 (2020)
Lithops aucampiae subsp. euniceae in Habitat by Roy Earlé, 36, 15 (2021)
Lithops bromfieldii ‘Red Coral’ by Szabo Laszlo, 33, 44 (2018)
Lithops ‘Bronzino’, Sister Siblings by Russell Wagner, 37, 11 (2022)
Lithops Corner by Hans Hassberg, 1, 16 (1986)
Lithops Corner by Hans Hassberg, 3, 16,52 (1988)
Lithops Corner by Hans Hassberg, 4, 17,59 (1989)
Lithops Corner by Hans Hassberg, 5, 9,29,71 (1990)
Lithops Corner by Norm Dennis, 3, 31,79 (1988)
Lithops Corner by Norm Dennis, 4, 35,84 (1989)
Lithops Corner by Norm Dennis, 5, 57 (1990)
Lithops dinteri ssp. multipunctata by Lindsey Deaves, 20, 61 (2005)
Lithops dinteri subsp. dinteri var. brevis - How Many Dots? by Roy A. Earlé & Hilde Mouton, 28, 12 (2013)
Lithops dinteri subsp. dinteri var. brevis - How Many Dots? Part 2 by Roy A. Earlé, 31, 28 (2016)
Lithops Drawings by Keith Green, 8, 60 (1993)
"Lithops - Flowering Stones" by Desmond & Naureen Cole - Review by Steven Hammer, 20, 55 (2005)
Lithops gesinae - and Other Lithoparian Notes by Desmond T. Cole, 20, 27 (2005)
Lithops helmutii by Suzanne Mace, 6, 79 (1991)
(A) Lithops hookeri With Stable Variegation by Lindsey Deaves, 25, 45 (2010)
"Lithops in Habitat and Cultivation" by Roy Earlé & Janice Round - Book review by Jim Porter, 36, 90 (2021)
Lithops - is there a Seed Bank? by Don Smith, 30, 22 (2015)
Lithops karasmontana and the Variability of the Genus Lithops by Harald & Anja Jainta, 34, 39 (2019)
Lithops karasmontana - Charles Darwin's Dream Plant by Roy A. Earlé, 29, 12 (2014)
Lithops karasmontana subsp.bella & Didymaotus lapidiformis by Ralph Hewitt, 12, 52 (1997)
Lithops karasmontana subsp. bella in Habitat - 5 Years Later During the Drought by Roy Earlé, 33, 41 (2018)
Lithops, Latitude & Lichen by Keith Green, 33, 31 (2018)

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Lithops Leaf & Root Growth - Dormancy; Roots Are Also a Storage Organ by Don Smith, 25, 59 (2010)
Lithops Leaf & Root Growth - The ‘Thirst’ Experiment by Don Smith, 25, 12 (2010)
Lithops Leaf & Root Growth - What Actually Happens by Don Smith, 27, 82 (2012)
Lithops Leaf Bracts by Don Smith, 31, 70 (2016)
Lithops Leaf Growth in Habitat by Don Smith, 24, 48 (2009)
Lithops lesliei ‘Fred's Redhead’ X xDinterops by Mr Duan Junli, China, 32, 44 (2017)
Lithops lesliei subsp. lesliei var. minor in Habitat by Roy Earlé, 36, 18 (2021)
Lithops lesliei, the Doomed Species in Southern Gauteng by Georg Fritz, Gauteng, South Africa, 25, 29 (2010)
Lithops localis: Diversity & Similarity by Harald & Anja Jainta, 37, 73 (2022)
Lithops localis Variant by Quintin Payne, 22, 31 (2007)
Lithops marmorata in Habitat by Roy A. Earlé, Janice Round, Hilde Mouton & Frikkie Mouton, 32, 35 (2017)
Lithops Melting-pot: Pattern-Cultivars and other Named and Unnamed Oddities by Lindsey Deaves, 27, 52 (2012)
Lithops naureeniae 'Hulun Buir' by Shao Yuan, Babao Garden, shaoyuan, 38, 88 (2023)
Lithops Oddities by Bernd Schlösser, 19, 84 (2004)
Lithops Oddities by Neil Hutchinson, 25, 32 (2010)
Lithops on a Windowsill by Keith Green, 11, 50 (1996)
Lithops on Location by Keith Green, 23, 15 & 52 (2008)
Lithops ‘opalina’ is Still at Large (And Probably Always Will Be) by Roy Earlé, Hilde Mouton, Janice Round & Frikkie Mouton, 34, 41 (2019)
Lithops optica var. rubra - Pigmentation by Don Smith, 30, 97 (2015)
Lithops optica var. rubra - The Flower Problem by Don Smith, 32, 20 (2017)
Lithops otzeniana by Jan Oberholster, 24, 40 (2009)
Lithops: Pansoaked and Sundried by Tok Schoeman, 24, 32 (2009)
Lithops pseudotruncatella at the Western Edge of its Distribution by Harald & Anja Jainta, 34, 61 & 84 (2019)
Lithops Pseudotruncatella subs. groendrayensis by Anne Adams, 31, 16 (2016)
Lithops Researches, May 2006 by Des & Naureen Cole, 21, 56 (2006)
Lithops salicola"var.ramosa" - a monstrous shrubby? by Hans J Hassberg, 7, 35 (1992)
Lithops salicola Oddities by David Lambie, 15, 70 (2000)
Lithops - Seasonal Root Scar by Don Smith, 30, 51 (2014)
Lithops schwantesii subsp. schwantesii var. schwantesii ‘Purple Haze’ by Dr Andreas Laras, Athens, Greece, 34, 82 (2019)
Lithops ‘Snow Fog’, A New Cultivar from China by David Kao (a.k.a. Old Ben), G&G Garden, Taiwan, 30, 17 (2015)
Lithops steineckeana by Roger Martin, 9, 16 (1994)
Lithops steineckeana - Some New Details!? by Lothar Rennemann, 12, 14 (1997)
Lithops Stems and Their Age in Habitat by Roy A. Earlé, 28, 17 (2013)
Lithops Sudden Death - The Soft Rot by Ian Robinson, 15, 81 (2000)
Lithops ‘Sunstone&rsquo by Anne Adams, 31, 16 (2016)
Lithops - Survival & Distribution by Don Smith, 32, 89 (2017)
Lithops terricolor ‘Chocolate Sprinkles’ by Bernd Schlösser, 31, 15 (2016)
Lithops terricolor cv. Speckled Gold by Bernd Schlösser, 22, 90 (2007)
Lithops terricolor ‘Pinky’ by Keith Green & Bernd Schlösser, 23, 43 (2008)
Lithops terricolor ‘Steamy Windows’ by Bernd Schlösser, 31, 33 (2016)
"Lithops - Treasures of the Veld" - Russian second edition by Natalia Ellis, 24, 40 (2009)
Lithops under the Hammer - A Review by Jim Porter of "Lithops, Treasures of the Veld" by Steven A. Hammer, 14, 83 (1999)
Lithops verruculosa var. inae by Roberto Arias, 22, 50 (2007)
Lithops villetii - deboeri - kennedyi by Dr R. Heine, translated by V. Knight, 15, 30 (2000)
Lithops werneri Is No Longer Lonely by Harald Jainta, 37, 34 (2022)
Lithops werneri, Phantom of My Opera by Tok Schoeman, 27, 70 (2012)
Lithops werneri under attack! by Tok Schoeman, 30, 18 (2015)
Looking at a Lithops Plant - Parts 1 & 2 by Giuseppe Maria Piccione, Italy, 25, 50 (2010) & 26, 67 (2011)
"L.S.D.S." (Lithops Sudden Death Syndrome) by Jason Gilbert, 14, 72 (1999)

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‘Matchless Green’ - A New Lithops Cultivar by Hilde Mouton & Frikkie Mouton, 37, 11 (2022)
Misting Lithops and Other Thoughts by Didge Rowe, 19, 89 (2004)
More In-Habitat Lithops werneri by Roy Earlé, Hilde Mouton, Frikkie Mouton & Janice Round, 29, 62 (2014)
More on Lithops optica a.c.f. ‘Rubra’ in Habitat by Roy Earlé, 30, 44 (2015)
Moving Lithops by Gene Joseph, 13, 30 (1998)
Mrs. Seeley's Lithops by Suzanne Mace, 32, 97 (2017)
My Half-and-Half Lithops fulviceps plant by Roy Earlé, 32, 41 (2017)
My Lithops get the treatment they have been yearning by Peter Bint, 23, 95 (2008)
Namibia - April 2022: Lithops dinteri subsp. multipunctata by Marc Mougin, 38, 30 (2023)
New Locality for Lithops schwantesii subsp. schwantesii var. rugosa by Roy Earlé, Hilde Mouton & Janice Round, 31, 88 (2016)
New Pattern Cultivar: Lithops karasmontana 'Suiren' by Zhang Shijia & Wei Zichu, ZWgarden, 38, 59 (2023)
‘Noemie's Kiwi’; A New Lithops Cultivar by Ronny Feng, Lithopsgarden, Qingdao City, China, 31, 98 (2016)
Not According to Schedule: Floral Aberrations in Lithops by Lindsey Deaves, 27, 25 (2012)
Notes on Aucamp's Lithops by Harald Jainta & Tielman Haumann, 35, 36 (2020)
Notes on Horn's Lithops by Harald Jainta & Tielman Haumann, 36, 48 (2021)
Notes on Kennedy's - or Von Wielligh's's Lithops by Harald Jainta & Anja Jainta, 35, 62 (2020)
Notes on Lithops optica and Lithops optica f. rubra with a brief comment on population structure and geographical distribution within the Genus by Brian & Gillian Fearn, 29, 37 (2014)
Notes on Lithops Populations and Conservation in Namibia and the Work of the Lithops Research & Conservation Foundation by Roy Earlé & Janice Round, 33, 17 (2018)
Notes on Lithops Projects by Norman Dennis, 1, 17 (1986)
Notes on Lithops ruschiorum by Harald & Anja Jainta, 34, 58 (2019)
Notes on the Type Locality of Lithops gracilidelineata by Harald Jainta, 38, 5 (2023)
Notes on the Type Locality of Lithops ruschiorum by Harald Jainta, 38, 39 (2023)
Notes on the Type Locality of Lithops urikosensis by Harald Jainta, 38, 62 (2023)
Notes on Waldron's & Strey's Lithops by Harald & Anja Jainta, 37, 14 (2022)
Notes on Wild Lithops lesliei by Harald Jainta & Anja Jainta, 35, 89 (2020)
Number of Heads and Head Size in a Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii Population in Habitat by Roy Earlé, 27, 48 (2012)
Observations at a Lithops karasmontana subsp. bella Population in Habitat by Roy Earlé, 26, 79 (2011)
Observations at In-Habitat Populations of the Lithops pseudotruncatella subsp. groendrayensis/dendritica Complex in Namibia by Roy Earlé & Tok Schoeman, 27, 73 (2012)
Observations on Inheritance of Leaf and Flower Colour in Lithops lesliei by Ben J.M. Zonneveld, 8, 14 (1993)
Observations on Lithops gracilidelineata Dinter in the Wild by Harald & Anja Jainta, 33, 83 (2018)
‘Olive Rose’ A New Green Cultivar of Lithops hookeri var. dabneri by Roy Earlé, 37, 79 (2022)
On the Naming of Lithops hermetica by Desmond T Cole, 21, 43 (2006)
One Day with Lithops gesinae var. gesinae by Marc Mougin, 32, 23 (2017)
Pots of Lithops from Garden Centres by Suzanne Mace, 35, 93 (2020)
Predated Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii Colony Revisited by Roy Earlé, 27, 23 (2012)
Predation by Armoured Ground Cricket on a Population of Lithops karasmontana ssp. eberlanzii in Habitat by Roy Earlé, 26, 71 (2011)
Predation by Harvester Termites in a Lithops Locality by Emile Heunis with additions from Desmond T. Cole, 28, 2 (2013)
Producing Seed from Lithops & Conophytums by Terry Smale, 16, 13 (2001)
Recent Revisions in the Cole Classification of Lithops, Report by Eddy Harris, 2, 63 (1987)
Redheads and Apricots: R-Sports and R-Forms in Lithops by Lindsey Deaves, 26, 58 (2011)
Rediscovery of Archer's Lithops by Harald & Anja Jainta, 33, 38 (2018)
Rediscovery of Lithops opalina Dinter by Harald Jainta, Anja Jainta & Eddy Shipulwa, 33, 60 (2018)
Reflections on Blackened Lithops in Namibia by Brian McDonough, 30, 46 (2015)
Reporting on a Striking Lithops Find by Dr Ronald Uijs, 34, 14 (2019)
Searching and Researching schwantesii, Parts 1 & 2 by Roy Earlé, Hilde Mouton, Janice Round & Frikkie Mouton, 31, 38 & 60 (2016)
Searching for Hidden Treasures - Lithops in the Wild by Norbert Kleinmichel, 17, 33 (2002)
Some Interesting Mesembs Growing Within Lithops Colonies Part 1 by Roy Earlé, 35, 57 (2020)
Some Interesting Mesembs Growing Within Lithops Colonies Part 2 by Roy Earlé, 35, 81 (2020)
Some Taxonomic Changes for the Genus Lithops N.E. Br. by Roy Earlé & Andrew Young, 36, 45 (2021)
Structures in Lithops: The Pedicel by Giuseppe Maria Piccione, 28, 43 (2013)

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Tankwa Karoo Lithops are Threatened by Harald Jainta & Carl Grobbelaar, 36, 68 (2021)
Taxonomic Changes Within the Genus Lithops Published in 2020 by Harald Jainta, 36, 25 (2021)
Taxonomy of Lithops karasmontana (Dinter and Schwantes) N.E.Brown by Dr. R. Heine, translated by V. Knight, 15, 32 (2000)
The Amazing Wobbling Lithops and Other Stories by Jim Porter, 10, 58 (1995)
The Case of Lithops steineckeana (C388) by Nunzio R.Di Nunno, 8, 35 (1993)
The Case of Lithops steineckeana II by David Porter, 8, 78 (1993)
The Cole Lithoparium at Alte Kalköfen Lodge, Namibia by Janice Round, 31, 67 (2016)
The Gallic Way: Growing Lithops from Seed by Vincent Formosa, 16, 43 (2001)
The Intricate Art of Cultivating Lithops by D J (Didge) Rowe, Brisbane, Australia, 20, 16 (2005)
The Lost Lithops... by Florent Grenier, France, 25, 42 (2010)
The Old Lithops ortendahlii Dinter (L.fulviceps N.E.Brown) in Habitat by Harald & Anja Jainta, 33, 84 (2018)
The Problem of Lithops lesliei subsp. lesliei var. hornii ‘Greenhorn’ by William T F du Toit, 32, 38 (2017)
The Selection of the Parent Lithops and their Influence by David Kao (a.k.a. Old Ben), G&G Garden, 32, 44 (2017)
The Soft Rot in Lithops by Giuseppe Maria Piccione, 15, 34 (2000)
The Stem in Lithops Exists by Giuseppe Maria Piccione, 31, 98 (2016)
The Sunken Lithops christinae (de Boer) and “Lithops hutupsdriftensis” by Harald & Anja Jainta, 34, 19 (2019)
The Work of the Lithops Research & Conservation Foundation - Part 1 - Flat Tyres for a Start by Roy Earlé, 38, 12 (2023)
The Work of the Lithops Research & Conservation Foundation - Part 2 - The Start of the Drought by Roy Earlé, 38, 42 (2023)
The Work of the Lithops Research & Conservation Foundation - Part 3 - Late Rains by Roy Earlé, 38, 81 (2023)
There is Something Wrong with Them - Reasons for the rarity of many lithops cultivars by Bernd Schlösser, 19, 26 (2004)
Thoughts on Lithops verruculosa Nel by Steve Hammer, 9, 72 (1994)
Three Colonies and the Variability of Lithops aucampiae by Harald Jainta, 38, 84 (2023)
Two Lithops Variants by Terry Smale, 6, 30 (1991)
Two New Cultivars from Italy: Lithops bromfieldii ‘Desert River’ and Lithops hookeri ‘Red Planet&rsquo' by Lorenzo Stocco & Alfonso G. Trudu, 36, 34 (2021)
Two New Lithops Cultivars by C.J. (Tok) Schoeman, Windhoek, Namibia, 28, 76 (2013)
Two New Lithops Cultivars by Keith Green, 21, 42 (2006)
Two New Lithops Cultivars by Steve Hammer, 18, 66 (2003)
Two New Lithops Cultivars by Yasuhiko Shimada, 21, 78 (2006)
Unequal Sized Head Formation in Lithops ruschiorum subsp. ruschiorum in Habitat by Roy Earlé & Tok Schoeman, 27, 101 (2012)
Unstable Variegation in Lithops by Roger Martin, 25, 54 (2010)
Unusual Growth in Lithops coleorum by Bob Chinnock, 11, 60 (1996)
Unusual Habitat for Lithops gesinae var. gesinae by Roy Earlé & Marc Mougin, 29, 64 (2014)
Update on Gebser's Lithops by Harald Jainta, 37, 58 (2022)
Voldemort's Visage (Lithops olivaceae cv “Voldemort's Visage”) by Jie Shen, 35, 66 (2020)
What Should Gesine de Boer's Lithops Species Be Called? by Len E Newton, 20, 77 (2005)
White Flowered Lithops schwantesii Update by Tim Jackson, 32, 87 (2017)
White Flowering Lithops pseudotruncatella subsp. pseudotruncatella var. elisabethiae by Hilde Mouton, 30, 18 (2015)
‘White Susan’: A New Lithops Cultivar by François Hoes, Netherlands, 31, 98 (2016)
Wild Lithops Rarities by Harald & Anja Jainta, 36, 76 (2021)
Xerotic Lithops by Steven Hammer, 15, 55 (2000)
Yellow Flowers with Lithops marmorata by Dr Rudolf Heine, 7, 89 (1992)

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